These people may not be my blood, but they are my family.

I turn to face Luca fully. "I'm glad that I was able to show you my home."

He gives the slightest of nods. "As am I."

"So, Luca, now it is your turn to tell me something." I raise my eyebrows at him playfully. "What is it that you want, if not chiefhood?"

He meet my gaze directly. "I want nothing."


"No responsibilities, no attachments. I want to be free to go wherever I choose at any time. I want to follow my own will and no one else's."

I am quiet for a long moment as I study him. There is an earnestness in his face that I haven't seen before. Something that was lost behind his wall. I open my mouth to say something when Harry's large hand comes down heavily on my shoulder.

"Ah, I was wonderin' if your handsome young William would be joining us." Harry's words slur slightly and I start, not certain if I heard him correctly.

"What?" I look up towards the door, feeling my shoulders tighten when I am arrested by a familiar pair of steely grey eyes.

Will and Marc, along with a small handful of City soldiers are gathered near the entrance to the pub. They are dressed plainly, their civilian clothes signifying that they are off duty. Will spots me immediately and stops in his tracks, causing Marc to bump into him from behind.

I swear under my breath, my mind and stomach churning.

"Why aren't they comin' over?" Harry makes to raise his arm before I grab hold of his wrist and pin it to the table. His ruddy brow wrinkles in concern as he looks at me. "What's wrong?"

I bite my lip, feeling my cheeks redden from a combination of the drink and seeing Will. "It's complicated." I finally manage to say.

Harry's dark eyes dart back over my shoulder. "Well he's headin' this way. Want me to cut him off?"

"No, it's fine." I clench my jaw and push my chair back, wincing slightly at the vibration between wood and stone. I shoulder my way through the cramped space towards Will, feeling my heart pounding more heavily with each step.

"Outside." I say, ignoring the instinct to grab his hand on the way by. I don't have to look behind me to know that he is trailing my figure back through the crowd and out the front door. I step around the side of the bar and down into the side alley, keeping my face impassive as I cross my arms and turn to face him.

"What are you doing here?" I ask before he has a chance to speak.

"What does it look like? I'm having a drink with my friends." He takes a step closer so that we are both standing beneath the alleyway's single lantern. The flickering light dances across his face, accentuating the features I know so well. "Why are you here? I thought you'd be at the Palace with Meg."

"I am also out with my friends tonight." I uncross and re-cross my arms. "It just so happens that my friends are a Queen and a couple of Wasters."

His dark brows rise nearly to his hairline. "You brought Meg?"

"She's having a great time."

"What the hell are you thinking?" He face darkens as he struggles to keep his voice low. "Do you have any idea how incredibly dangerous it is for her to be out here?"

"It isn't dangerous!" How dare he. "I've known the people in this district my entire life. Do you really think that I would deliberately put my best friend in danger?"

The Wastelands (Part II of the Runner Series)Where stories live. Discover now