Chapter 3 (The Golden trio as kids)

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And his scar looked so big on the little boy's forehead.

Some people awed and giggled at them, they were the cutest. Harry stared at Hermione and Hermione stared at Ron, while Ron stared at Harry. They all shared a look of confusion and then looked up at the now huge people to them.
"Umm..." Ron said. His cute soft voice, received more and louder awe's. Ron looked kind of scared while Hermione was staring at the jars on the roofs, which had (to a kid) quite scary stuff. One of the jars had a moving eye looking around, the other had a kind of lizard creature but he looked so disgusting and scary, while the other had boiling liquids and part of a human body trapped in there moving.

It was surprising that she wasn't freaked out and professor snape was quite pressed by that. Harry on the other hand just looked at people's shoes not daring to look up and standing there politely, which earned a suspicious look from Draco. Nevertheless, Snape didn't show any sign of emotions, though he was dying inside. "Are-" Pansy began but was interrupted by the sound of the bell. "Alright, class dismissed." Snape said while walking over to his desk.
The classroom began to empty quickly, and some students stayed to wave a goodbye to Harry, Ron and Hermione which they waved back happily and cutely.
"Wait...How are we supposed to go to class while taking care of them?" Pansy asked. Snape looked down at the 4 year-old. Harry broke eye contact the second Snape looked at him and looked down at his shoes. While Hermione and Ron stared back.

"Your not." Snape said, glaring at Harry but then shortly looked back at the three Slytherin's.
"What?" Blaise asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. "Your not going to classes. Go back to your common room and take those three with you." He said lazily. Pansy and Blaise looked happy for a moment, when they heard they were not taking classes. But Draco keeper his cold stone face, which Harry stared at. Draco felt eyes on him, but didn't look back, reason is that he knew it was Harry who was looking at him, and he knew the boy would not dare to look back at him, which Draco was determined to know why after the two of them was alone. "Alright!!" Pansy yelled happily, which earned an annoyed look from Snape and a confused but also interesting look from Hermione. Pansy giggled slightly in embarrassment, but then looked at Hermione. And then the three of them started to walk, thinking that the three 4 years-old were following but instead one only did, which was Hermione. Snape cleared his throat, which made the three Slytherin's turn around. And then they noticed Harry and Ron frozen in their place, staring back at them. "Well? What are you waiting for!? C'mon!" Blaise yelled at them. Harry jumped a tiny bit, then went running to them, trying not to fall on the ground from his huge clothes, and stood next to Draco. But Ron stayed where he was glaring at Blaise.
"And why should I trust a stranger who I never in my life saw?" Ron replied confidently, which earned surprised looks from Blaise, pansy and Draco and even SNAPE.

'He is one special kid' Blaise thought.

'Yup. He really is Molly's son.' Snape also thought.

"Uh.. listen Weasley I don't have time to explain and I'm not in the mood with dealing with a brat so just, get it over with and come on!" Blaise yelled annoyed, but he was actually impressed. Ron stared at him hesitantly for a moment then stared at Harry and Hermione, and then at Snape. He frowned a bit, though he looked so cute rather than scary. And Blaise was almost on the edge of squeezing him tightly.

Ron took one step, posed and then went over to Blaise slowly. Ron's face was red from his cheeks to his ears and he was pouting, which wanted to make Blaise giggle but didn't. "Wait where's-" Pansy began, but she felt a small thing clung into her hand. She looked down and hermione was holding her hand with two of her's, she was looking up at pansy innocently. Pansy had a bit of red creep up to her cheeks and she suddenly got the urge to squeeze the little girl. Pansy pursed her lips and then looked up quickly before she looses control. "Alright let's go" pansy said almost hesitantly. They got out of the classroom and were now walking in the hallway. As they were walking Harry tripped and fell multiple times from his huge robes, and people were pushing by and running in the hallway, making Ron get pushed around. Draco sighed, put his two hands under the little boy's arms and carried him on his hip. Harry clung tightly into Draco's buttoned up shirt collar, and laid his head on Draco's shoulder, which earned a bright blush from Draco. Pansy squeaked and started fangirling over Draco and Harry. Draco cursed at her which made her Hex him, but not a powerful hex.

Blaise saw how the red head was struggling so he grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the crowed that he was drowned in.


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