Chapter 2 (babysitting the golden trio)

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Everyone put their hands up to their face's covering their eyes, from the blinding light.
And then, the light disappeared and Hermione was nowhere to be found.
Instead there was a four year old girl, drowning in the pile of clothes, that used to fit a 16 year old.
She piped her head out of the neck of her robes and looked around. Harry and Ron walked over to her and crawled/ sat on the ground in front and next to her.
"Hewo!" She chirped.
"Hi!" Harry replied
"Hey!" Ron also replied after Harry.
"Who awe you?" She asked tilting her head
"In Harry! Harry Potter!" Harry replied taking out his hand, waiting for her to shake it.
"Nice to meet you hawy, I'm Hemione!"
She said as she took her hand out of her long sleeve of her robes and shook Harry's hand.
"And you awe?" Hermione asked raising an eyebrow to Ron.
Ron sighed. 'Some things never change' he thought.
"I'm Ron! Ron Weasley.." he replied, also taking out his hand for a handshake.
"Nice to meet you Won!" She chirped again, and shook his hand.
Ron and Harry smiled. 'SHES SO FRIKIN CUTE-' was written on both their faces.
They took time to study her.

She still had her bushy curly hair but less bushy and more shorter than it was and it looked more neat and wavy than curly, her eyes were dark hazel and they had a sparkle every child had in their eyes, she also had long eyelashes and had rosy pink cheeks that looked very soft and squishy and her nose was tiny and cute and had soft freckles. She was almost 38 inches and she was practically drowning in her clothes.

"Whe(re) awe we?" She asked looking around.
"Hogwarts! A school about magic!" Harry replied
Hermione gasped cutely "Magic!?" She exhaled
Ron giggled and Harry smiled
"Yes magic-" Harry began but was interrupted.
"Alright that's enough." Snape called out.
Harry and Ron looked at him like they were gonna jump at him and kill him any second now, but then they stood up and went to stand with the three Slytherin's.
"Your turn Mr Weasley." Snape said taking the glass that he already poured in the potion and gave to Ron.

Ron took it forcefully, and then held it up and stared at it then after a moment with one gulp he drank all of it. He stared for a moment.
"It is sweet-" was also his last words before, another ray of white light was formed around his body. But everybody was prepared and we're already closing their eyes and some burying their heads in the hands to block out the light.
And then the light disappeared, and Ron was transformed into a 4 year-old.
He was 39 inches tall and had long wavy, fluffy, messy hair that was fiery orange and he had freckles mostly around and on his nose, and he had very soft rosy cheeks, his lips were plump and pink and he had bright blue eyes with long lashes. He was also drowning in his clothes his whole neck revealed because his shirt was unbuttoned before.
He looked around quietly, Harry wanted to go over to him but-
"Your turn Mr Potter." Snape said in his monotone voice.
Harry was annoyed but walked over to the cauldron poured some of the potion in the glass and drank it.
Before he could say anything everyone prepared themselves from what's coming, they all had their eyes closed and their hands put up to block the light.
Harry stared for a little.
"It's really sweet-" and after that the light was all over his body like what happened with Hermione and ron.
Then the light disappeared and Harry was now a 4 year-old. He was 37 inches, and still had his long messy black hair, but it was more fluffy and soft. his features softened and he had a round face, his cheeks looked so squishy, and they had a bit of pink in them, his eyes brightened and his eyelashes were long, his lips were roses pink and they were a bit plump and His scar looked so big on the small boy's forehead.

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