Chapter 10

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"What were your favorite pastimes in the country?" Questioned Violet. "I enjoyed riding above all else, my lady," Replied Miss Thomspan. "Please you must call me violet now," Replied violet. "Of course I'm sorry," Replied Miss Thomspan. "Miss Thomspan is such a proper young lady is she not," Replied Lady Featherington. "Have you traveled anywhere outside of England, Miss Thompson? It has long been Colin's greatest ambition to travel the world" questioned Violet. "Never though it is now a great ambition of mine now as well," Replied Miss Thompson as Addison rolled her eyes at Anthony. "I'm sensing a honeymoon in the foreign parts. What do you think of Lord Bridgerton?" Questioned Lady Featherington. "I would not like to speculate," Anthony replies. "Yes indeed I believe a honeymoon in the foreign parts would just be the thing also Mr. Bridgerton if you would choose to marry sooner rather than later," Replied Lady Featherington. "Colin is still rather young. I believe a lengthier engagement would be prudent," Replied Anthony. Soon after dinner we were all in the sitting room listening to the horrendous singing. "Excuse me," Said Addison as she left the room. "Is she alright dearest," Asked Violet. "Yes she's alright but I will check on her," Replied Anthony as he leaves the room to follow his wife. "Are you feeling alright?" Anthony asks. "Just a little sick," Addison replies, holding her stomach. "Are you in pain?" Questioned Anthony. "No I am more than alright," Addison says "But perhaps we could go home early," "I happen to agree I shall be right back," Said Anthony as he goes back in the room and leaves rather quickly. "You are going straight to bed," Anthony says as we make our way upstairs. "Of course my lord, would you check on Isabella for me?" Questioned Addison. "Of course," Replied Anthony as the two break apart.

"What is going on?" Questioned Addison as Anthony comes into the room. "It seems like Miss Thomspon is with child," replied Anthony. "Wow," said Addison. "Yes I know and Daphne is back as well," said Anthony. "Well that's wonderful," said Addison. "Yes there is also a luncheon from the queen that we must attend. "Of course," Said Addison.

"Your majesty," Said Addison as the queen comes up to Anthony and Addison after speaking with Simon and Daphne. "Yes and when shall you be one with child I have a bet in that you will become with child before your sister here," replied the Queen. "Well then you must be very happy indeed to have one that bet I am with child," Replied Addison. "Oh that is marvelous," The queen says before leaving the family. "Dearest, why didn't you say anything?" Questioned Violet. "There are lots of things going on right now and thought since the queen mentioned it would be perfect timing,"Replied Addison, smiling. "Well this is wonderful news indeed," Said Benedict. "Yes it is, congratulations sister," Said Daphne before hugging the viscountess. "Thank you," Replied Addison as Anthony just smiles at her.

"Wow it seems I leave with 4 brothers and 3 sisters and come back with 5 brothers and 4 sisters," Said Francessca smiling. "Yes well it seems like I am not permanently in the family now," Replied Addison smiling. "Well I wanted the two of you to marry for a long time," Said Francessca, smiling. "Of course," Said Addison, smiling before Anthony stood next to her. "Yes, well sister, you will also be an aunt soon," Said anthony. "Really you are with child!" Said Francessca. "Yes I am," Addison replied smiling. "I'm so happy for the two of you," Said francessa hugging the two. "I have missed your whole family being here," Addison says. "Yes I miss it as well my love," Anthony replies.

"We must get ready, your sister will kill us for not coming to her ball," Said Addison as the two layed in bed. "You see now that you are with child we do not need to go we can just say you were feeling ill," Anthony says as the two lay in bed. "Well alright then," Addison says before turning around to kiss Anthony.

"I shall write to you all from Greece," Said Colin as he sits on his horse. "Don't forget to get me a gift," Gregory says. "It's not a gift if you ask, I would fancy anything blue or white," Replied Hycinth. "Anthony, I do not recall seeing you or Addison last night," Daphne says. "Yes Addison wasn't feeling well so I stayed home with her," Anthony replied before kissing Addison's head. "Do you have any idea of the gender?" questioned Daphne. "No but I do hope it's a boy," said Addison, smiling. "I wish for it to be a girl," Replied Anthony. "Maybe next time," Said Addison, smiling. "Maybe," Replied Anthony, smiling. 

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