Chapter 3

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"Anthony what are you doing here?'" Addison questions as she sees him in her house. "I have come to speak with your father about the contract," Anthony says. "I see," Addison says. "Anthony what a pleasure," Henry says as he comes down the stairs. "I will accept the marriage to your daughter," Anthony says. "Oh wonderful thank you Anthony," Henry says as they walk into his office. "May I make a request?" Addison asks as she follows them. "What would that be dearest?" Henry asks. "Can we not rush the wedding?" Addison asks as she looks between Anthony and Henry. "Of course not Addison you will get married soon," Veronica says as she walks into the room. "Yes of course because it's about everyone other than me," Addison says as she storms off. "I shall talk with her," Anthony says as she begins to follow her. "Anthony, I have no wish to speak right now," Addison says. "Listen I know this is not what you wanted, but I promise you everything will be fine," Anthony says as he brings her in a hug. "Does your family know yet?" Addison asks. "Not yet I wanted to make sure this is all approved of before I tell them and I wish for you to be there," Anthony says. "Are you sure?" Addison asks. "Yes you are going to be my wife you should be there when I tell them," Anthony says."Okay," Addison says as they begin to walk inside. "There you are," Isabella says as she sprints up to her sister and gives her a hug. "Hello Isabella you remember Anthony don't you?" Addison says as she lets go of her sister. "Of course hello," Isabella says, smiling at Anthony. "Hello Isabella, wonderful to see you again," Anthony says. "Is it true sister, are you getting married?" Isabella asks. "It's true dear sister," Addison says. "I'm going to have another brother," Isabella says smiling. "Yes you do," Addison says smiling to her sister. "Are you moving far away?" Isabella asks. "No we are going to still be nearby," Anthony says. "That's even better," Isabella says as she runs to find her brothers. "She adores you," Addison says. "I guess she does," Anthony says smiling. "So what are you doing today?" Addison asks. "I must speak with Berbrooke," Anthony says smiling. "Anthony, you cannot allow Daphne to marry him," Addison says as she walks him out. "Addison," Anthony starts. "No do you have any idea who this man is, he is disgusting you cannot allow this to happen," Addison says. "Addison, my mind is set," Anthony says. "I shall change it, I promise you that," Addison says before going inside.

"Hello Anthony," Addison says as she greets him at another ball. "Hello, I do have to tell you I haven't had a chance to tell my family yet lots of difficulties happened today," Anthony says. "Yes Daphne has told me about Berbrooke," Addison says. "I still can't believe you," Addison says. "I looked into him," Anthony says. "Not well enough," Addison says. "Addison," Anthony says. "No when I agreed to this I told you I would not let go of any of this Anthony if you do something I don't agree I will speak my mind and this I will certainly do, I shall see you later let me know when you would like to tell your family," Addison says before walking away to her brother.

"Addison, I will talk to my family about it tomorrow before the picnic. I invite you and your family to join us," Anthony says. "Of course," Addison says. "I handled Berbrooke, he won't ever speak to my sister again," Anthony says. "Thank you," Addison says. "I'm sorry for not listening," Anthony says. "You are forgiven. "Would you like to dance?" Anthony asks ."Sure," Addison says before the two set off to the dance floor.

"Family I wish to speak with you before we make our way to the picnic," Anthony says as the family comes in with the Wilsons in present. "Anthony, is this really the time when we have company?" Lady Bridgerton says. "Oh especially with them here you see Addison and I are going to marry," Anthony says. "What?" Lady Bridgerton says, "It has already been decided I have talked to Henry and have made arrangements," Anthony says. "And when brother did you plan on telling us?" Benedict asked. "Yesterday but very much could not so today," Anthony says. "We are to be sisters," Daphnes says as she hugs Addison. "Yes," Addison says smiling. "I am very happy for you dear," Lady Bridgerton says to Anthony. "Yes and I would need your ring when you get the chance mother," Anthony says. "Well it's an Ambury Hall," Lady Bridgerton says. "Wonderful," Anthony says smiling. "Shall we go to the picnic?" Addison asks. "Yes I think it's time," Anthony says before locking arms with Addison.

"Later tonight I shall go get the ring for you and be back by morning," Anthony says as the carriage starts. "Of course," Addison says. "So do you know when the wedding is?" Lady Bridgerton asks. "We are not sure yet about Lady Bridgerton," Addison says. "Oh please call me Violet, you are family now," Lady Bridgerton says. "Of course Violet," Addison says.

"So Anthony have you discussed with my father about the wedding?" Addison asks. "I think we will be doing it in the next month," Anthony says. "Alright, " Addison says looking down. "I'm trying to prolong it for you but with your father's health," Anthony says. "Yes he wishes to be there when I marry," Addison says looking down. "Are you sure you are alright, he is dying," Anthony says as he stops walking. "I have to be fine, my mother will be a wreck, my brothers who knows and Isabella at least she is fortunate to have known him unlike Hyacinth who never got to meet your father," Addison says looking down. "He's still your father," Anthony says. "I know I'm just not ready to speak about it yet," Addison says looking into Anthony's eyes. "Of course whenever you are I am here," Anthony says. "Thank you Anthony, let's go join the rest of your family," Addison says smiling. "Bridgerton," yells Berbrooke

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