"Now start running pig, I like a movin' target."

The guards stomach dropped and he started stumbling backwards, away from the angry pirate before breaking into a sprint to get away.

Y/n took a deep breath before straightening up and looking back at Gimli and Legolas who both stared at her wide eyed. Even the towns people around them seemed terrified.

"What are you lot lookin' at, ay?!" she screamed. "Blimey there's no respect in these lands."

Before anything else could happen, Legolas jumped in laying a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Dain cín rúth, Meleth nín." (Silence your anger, my love) he whispered gently. Though she did not know what he said his tone of voice calmed her. Then he turned to look over his shoulder to Gimli.

"We should head to the armory now to get ready."

With a gentle but firm grip he pushed her forward and away from the gaping townsfolk.

Y/n wasnt too sure if that was his plan from the beginning or if he just wanted to create more distance between her and the guard. And while she let herself be lead away, she did turn to look over her shoulder and give the man one last look as he as well turned to look back, checking if she really was chasing him.

His stomach dropped when he met her gaze and he started running again.

The armory was empty, the only people inside were her Gimli, Legolas and surprisingly Aragorn as well. Y/n could see the elf giving his friend nervous gazes that she couldnt take anymore so after a while she gently nudged him with her shoulder and nodded her head in the Rangers direction, in a silent order.

Legolas took a deep breath before advancing towards Aragorn. The dark-haired man was putting on his chainmail and a leather vest. The elf walked over and picked up his sword before handing it to Aragorn. For a second, he stared at it before his eyes met the ones of Legolas, taking the weapon from his hand and nodding in thanks.

"We have trusted you this far." Legolas suddenly said. "You have not led us astray. Forgive me. I was wrong to despair."

Aragorn shook his head and answered in elvish. Why do they have to keep doing that?

"Ú-moe edhored, Legolas." (There is nothing to forgive, Legolas.)

They smiled at each other and y/n focused back on her own dressing. She had been given a piece of chainmail and she realized quickly that it was way too heavy for her. She could carry it no problem but her fighting style included a lot of jumping and running so it would most likely get more in her way then help. The others had heavy and large swords for strong attacks that often took longer so chainmail or armor made sense for them but she refused. Legolas doesn't wear it, why should I?

Right after she had laid down the chainmail Legolas appeared next to her taking it in his hands.

"You should wear it." he said and held it out to her but she only shook her head.

"It'll only get in the way."

"Y/n this is no mere battle, this is war. You will not be safe from all sides; you have to wear it!" he insisted.

"You're only wearing your tunic." came her rebuttal.

Legolas opened his mouth and closed it again as he felt that saying that he was an elf and she merely a human would not go over well with the woman. So, he opted for a different method.

He stepped a bit closer and leaned in far so she could feel his breath hitting her skin.

"Please, meleth nín. I just want you to be safe." He insisted his blue eyes searching hers. Y/n felt her breath stop for a second at the mans proximity but regained her composure.

I am a Pirate!   Legolas x fem pirate readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt