Chapter 9

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Yesterday was the national election day and of course I voted all of the uniteam people who we're running for a certain place.

Sandro kept asking if i voted for him too and i joked that i voted his enemy, he got a bit mad and i said i was kidding so he went back to normal

Oh I forgot, I'm at their house right now and we're kind of celebrating because the non-stop rally's and caravans are over now, bong kept saying it was physically and mentally exhausting but he was happy to make people smile and it was all worth it.

"Eh Tignan mo nga i got darker and my true ilocano self is showing, sabi nga nila hindi na uniteam kungdi UMITEAM" bong said as we all laughed at his joke

"Pero puputi din ako nyan since I'll be resting until they announce who won as president"

"Yeah dad, you need a lot of strength if you get elected." Said Sandro while eating at the dinner table

"By the way, how's the caldereta y/n?" Bong asked

"It tastes delicious bong, I haven't had caldereta since i was ten years old and eating this feels somewhat like home" i said

Both of my parents passed away when i was at the age of twelve due to them working on a boat, it was a huge storm that caused it all. i got relocated to my grandparents place but five years later they both passed away. So clearly I don't have any relatives to live with.

So at seventeen i had to work early and tried to live as much as possible. Naranasan kong maging homeless. At nung naging 21 na ako na diskubre ako ng modeling agency kaya naman naangat ako sa kahirapan.

Now part time job ko nalang ang modeling and nag wwork ako as an assistant to a rude, selfish and lazy boss.

"Well I'm glad you like it, I'm enjoying this little celebration of ours. Nga pala Vincent, how are you and your girlfriend?" Bong said

"We're good, she's at manila right now with her parents so thats why I haven't gone out too much"

"Simon told me that you guys met at the mall and mom took you to dinner y/n, is that true?" Asked Sandro

"Uh yeah, your mom's nice Sandro its just that i feel so awkward when i was with her. Because you know, i told her i was living here for a while." I said

"She said you were alright, but she didn't like how close you were with dad" said Vincent

"Me and your y/n just get along well, but theres nothing happening between us if thats what your mother thinks." Bong interrupted

"Yeah, besides can we enjoy this moment and enough with the gossips Sandro? You've been whispering a lot of drama for the past hour now" i giggled

"Fine, toast to uniteam!" Sandro lifted his champagne to cheers with ours.

Yeah i know it's pretty weird, caldereta and champagne? Well may trip kami kaya ganon HAHAH!

After the champagne we went on drinking alcohol for hours on end.

Its now midnight and we we're all pretty much wasted.

We all went to our separate rooms as we finally thought that 7 bottles each of alcohol is enough.

If i hadn't mentioned, bongs room is literally next to mine so we both share the same wall.

I wash at my room now, I finished taking a bath since all that booze made my body temperature hot i dried my hair and put on my pajamas.

Knock knock

Who could this be?

"Come in?" I said as the door opened

"Oh, bong what brings you here?"

"I can't sleep. I'm lonely there." He said clearly drunk. His voice is rather raspy and paawa.

(Na sira ung english Sorry na d ko alam english ng paawa HAHA)

"Please, sleep at my room" he said pleading.

C'mon, if someone gives you the puppy eyes would you decline? Of course not.

"Fine. I did kinda feel lonely." As me and him went to his room.

We laid down and he literally flopped onto the bed

"Geez are you really that drunk bong?" I asked but he was already asleep.

He cuddled me as i remembered he said that he's always been a hugger. Ever since liza left him he was just hugging a pillow. Poor him, i really feel bad that he let go of her because she loves his new husband so much.

"Y/n.." bong said in a lazy voice
"Yes?" I asked
"I.., I'm really great full to have you in my life." He said
Then he said something that made me too shocked to respond as my eyes widened.

"I hope i can say that to you too soon."

The next morning bong had woken up and he jumped thinking if something happened again to the both of them.
No, i trust myself. I wouldn't do that, I promised. Bong said in his mind

He relaxed a bit and kissed y/n's forehead.

I don't know how i feel about you. But I'm certain that I'll know what to do in the future. He said as he smiled and got ready for the day.

I heard the car starting, someone's probably having a busy day.

I opened the balcony door and i saw bong getting on the car, then he glanced at me and we met eyes.

"I'll be back after dinner, do whatever you'd like y/n!" Said bong nicely

"I'm off to work too actually! Bye!" I said as the car headed for the gates

I need to get ready for work, ugh.

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