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"Do you wish to be my lady in-waiting? Of course, you can start after you've delivered your baby.." Eleanor trails off, before clearing her throat. "I'll pay you twice the money anyone could offer."

Simone pursed her lips in suspicion, hesitancy evident within her eyes. "I can even offer you a cozy apartment where you and your child could happily live in, I believe that it'd be hard for you to find a stable job.. but of course it is all up to you." Eleanor offered a benevolent smile, but within she was hoping that Simone would accept.

Atleast if the mother and child were to be taken under Eleanor's wing, she would be able to guarantee their safety from the predatory members in her clan. That is, unless the child is male. The transparency in Eleanor's position as the heir would shake, if a male child would be born with her father's blood. But even it was a male, Eleanor's decision will stay the same.

"Do you know..?" Simone whispered scarcely, immediately snapping Eleanor out of her trance. "That this child, is your half-sister?" Simone admits, gaze darting downward to the bump on her stomach. 'It's a girl..!'

"Lady Simone I-"

"I, by any means do not love your father.. what happened that night was a mere accident that turned out to be this. I didn't notice his identity at all before as I was just unemployed lady who he met at a party.. although I am willing to cater for this lovely child. She doesn't deserve any of this.." Simone explains hazily, heaving a languid sigh.

"I.. do not even want to be his concubine or any position he could offer within this household. Yet you, Lady Eleanor despite knowing that I am your father's so-called mistress you are here extending your help to me." Simone offered a small smile. "I apologize, I didn't mean to wreck the marriage between your parents."

"You didn't wreck anything if it was already destroyed to begin with." Eleanor stood up from her seat before crouching down in-front of Simone, caressing the bump gently. "I've been a only child my whole life as my mother became fragile after giving birth to me, I can see that you don't have any ulterior motives that is why I am offering help."

"If you do not wish to live in the capital anymore, I can get you a house in the countryside or even in he neighbouring kingdom." Eleanor offered lavishly, before returning to her seat. "But you will have to live under a new identity."

"Thank you.. please give me some time to think about it." Simone bows her head gratefully, as Eleanor nodded. "Of course, please reach out to me when you've made your decision.. but we are currently short of time before my father reaches out to you." Simone nodded understandably before excusing herself to leave.

'She may not have had a ulterior motive but I do, sending her off to the neighbouring kingdom will be a wise choice for me to guard my position as heir.' Eleanor heaved a languid sigh, the half of her facade slipping off. "Milady.." Frieda concernedly approached, lending a cup of water to the diligent lady. "Thank you Frieda. I'm afraid that things aren't going to be as easy as I thought it would."

Eleanor slumped, motioning Frieda leave. "I'm exhausted." The lady murmurs under her breathe languidly, contemplating her choices. 'Did I pick the right thing? Am I really going against my father?' Eleanor pondered inwardly, uncertainty stirring within before she heaved a sigh. "I hope that my hardwork will be worth it all in the end."


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