☆10 : Finale☆

Start from the beginning

"How did you know ?"*

Your mom laughs , putting her hands on her hips . "When he came to pick you up for school the other day , he said to me 'I'm here for Y/n' and I said to him 'you mean , your crush ?' ."*

"You did NOT -"*

"He even looked at me the same way you just looked at me"* your mom adds , grinning at your shocked reaction . "I said 'I'm not upset or anything , just look after her for me' and he goes 'got it, L/n-san' "* she tells you . "Hey , don't look at me like that . It was Mrs Kujo who told me that the other time you were there working on some project , she'd went to call you both for dinner but none of you were in the library . You can't hide from us adults , silly girl ."*

Scratching your neck , you reply "oh , yeah .. well , uh , he did get me the necklace and we're dating now . Anyways , I'm gonna go and change my clothes now ."*

"Sure , but I need to ask you one more thing before you go upstairs ."*

"Okay ."*

"Mrs Kujo did call me on the day you stayed to work on the project , but was that the only time you'd went over there to work on it ?"* she asks , standin up straight and folding her arms .

"Nah , we'd started it a few days before ."*

"Was it just you two at his place ?"*

"Yeah ."*

"So were the two of you JUST working on this project , or did anything else happen ?"* she continues .

"He walked me home after ."*

"Silly , I'm asking , did the two of you by any chance have sex ?"*

"M-mom !" you gasp . "Why would you even ask that ?"*

"Just answer the question , Y/n"* she says , looking at you .

"We didn't ."*

She raises an eyebrow . "Are you sure you're not lying to me ?"*

"I swear ! I haven't even seen him shirtless ."*

"Fine , fine ."*



Sat in the tearoom , Holly and I's heads turn as we hear the door slide open .

"Oh hello Jotaro " Holly goes , getting up to greet Jotaro . "How was the aquarium ?"

"I got you a present" he answers simply , sliding the door shut . Holly wraps her arms around him in a huge hug .

"You're such a sweet boy !"

"Yare yare" he sighs , prising his mother's arms from around him . "It's just a fridge magnet" he says , reaching into his pocket to reveal a 3D blue star-fish magnet with a textured pattern .

Book 1: Tough Love (Jotaro x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now