The Sunrise Man (so you wanna marry daisy)

Start from the beginning

"But isn't that- it's awfully- aren't the first two illegal?"

"Says the man who makes his living off of alcohol."

"How'd-" Jay caught himself before he could say more. Of course Nick knew. They'd been over that. "And you promise? That it'll work?"

"Of course."
Jay looked wary, but still shook Nick's hand and left the room in a sort of daze. He'd gotten what he wanted, for the first time in the five months since he had first seen Daisy.

Nick saw Jay the next time when he got the first report on Daisy's doings. Jay brought it himself, causing Nick to laugh slightly. "You could've just mailed it."

"I- er-" Jay blushed (one which Nick thought was quite adorable on him, although he'd never admit that), "I thought you might want me to bring it?"

"It's fine. Carry on bringing them if you'd like." Please do.

Jay nodded and left, but continued to bring in the weekly notes personally.

Nick got what he wanted from the Madam's boudoir, the money carefully tucked inside his lunar-silver suit jacket. Then he spotted Jay, standing in the garden, hands tucked into another pink suit jacket, this one hot pink and holding a carnation in the lapel. Nick, against the tiny voice in his head that told him not to, stalked over to Jay's side. The sunrise man jumped slightly to find Nick, who said, "I thought for sure you'd be spending time with Daisy right now."

"Me too."

Nick nodded, not getting what he was saying. For once in his life, he didn't really know.

Silence shrouded the little garden before Nick spoke, "Well, I should get going." He turned back, a funny sort of melancholy tainting his senses.

"Wait!" Nick turned back as Jay came running after, a light pink rose dancing in his fingers.

"There," Jay said as took the rose and tucked it into Nick's lapel, as gentle as a kiss. "Now we match."

Nick glanced down at the flower, a delicate creature with nothing to know about. Then he looked back at Jay, who knew he was uncertain. Uncertain about coming so close, uncertain about being here, uncertain about what Nick would do.

Nick caught Jay's hand, yet again against his better judgment, saying, "Thank you."

Jay stayed silent, and Nick again turned away, but no voice stopped him this time.

When Jordan came into Nick's office the next day, she found a singular pink rose placed into a tranquil water-filled vase and the future-seeing man himself staring off into space. It didn't take a psychic to know what Nick was feeling.

When Jay came into Nick's office for the sixth week in a row, with his standard paper of Daisy's words. Nick glanced over it and looked back at the sunrise man, standing awkwardly in the corner. He set it down, sighing, "She's going to ask you soon."

Jay nodded. "I know."

Nick wasn't very surprised. He knew that Jay knew. Nick knew everything.

Nick stood up, walking calmly over to Jay. He softly patted him on the back, sending slight shivers down Jay's spine. "Be safe. She's good at taking advantage of people. Just- be careful."

Jay looked at him with shining golden eyes and pulled him into a hug. "Thank you," he breathed.

Nick simply smiled, feeling a little awkward, before relaxing into Jay's arms and his soft seashore smell.

Nick hoped Jay could escape Daisy and her magnolia.

Jay came back two days later. Two days of constant worry for Nick, who had barely gotten work done, much to Jordan's dismay. All Jay said at first was, "I did it."

Nick crossed over the room, this time with Nick initiating the hug. "Good job."

"Do you want to know something funny?"

Nick pulled back, his hands resting on Jay's upper arms. "What?" Nick asked, staring into those golden eyes.

"It wasn't very hard. I don't know how- I don't know why - but it's like suddenly I've had her- and I've spent so long waiting for her- it's like, I don't- I don't want her."

"But- you did so much for her! You walked into my room and I knew you wanted to marry Daisy."

"I know! I know. I don't know how- but I don't wanna marry Daisy. I- I want to kiss you."

Nick stared into those beautiful golden pools, the voice in his head warning him off, so he pulled the man into a kiss, the sunrise man and the starry-eyed psychic, their forms melding into one, a night turning slowly into day. His lips tasted warm, like strawberries on a sunny day. Jay's hands settled lightly on Nick's hips as Nick settled his arms around Jay's neck, pulling the two together more.

Then it was over and Nick was the one blushing furiously. Jay's gilded eyes seemed to smile as Jay leaned forward again, pecking Nick's cheek.

"So you don't wanna marry Daisy."

"I don't wanna marry Daisy."

The second kiss was almost better than the first. 

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