"Good morning sweetie"

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Sean's POV:

I wake up, on another hot, sunny day, i got out of bed and grabbed some of my clothes, i saw finn was still asleep so i kissed him on the check and tuck him in, i went out to feel the nice heat

"Ohhhhh yeahhhhh, this is the life!"

I sit down in my chair and relax a bit, i got call from Daniel, so i pick it up

"Good morning, enano" i said

"Good morning Sean! How is puerto Lobos?"

"Dude, i said this a million times! Its awesome! You should come live here!"

"Nah, i'll pass, i don't want to live with you and Finn doing some...weird stuff at night. Plus! I love it here with grandma and grandpa!"

"I know enano, i know, but you have to come visit us soon! we can all go swimming!"

"I almost have enough money, so maybeeee" Daniel said, giggling

"Well enano, can i tell you something? I-"

"Sorry, cant talk to long, i got to go! I'll talk later ok? Bye!"

"Wait enano!-"

Daniel hung up, i sighed and felt heavy breathing behind me, and warm hands on my stomach

"Good morning sweetie~" Finn whispered in my eat

I jumped a little "G-Good morning, Finn"

"Aww, did i scare you?~" he smirked a little

"Shut up!" I said

"Whoa! Not a morning person, ay?" He laughed as i looked away

"So sweetie, what's our plans for today?"

"Im gonna go work on the car a bit, you can do whatever"

"But i'll be lonely, sweetheart"

"well too bad, SwEeThEaRt" i mockingly said, giggling

Finn tackles me and i laugh

"Next time, think before you dooo!~" he said, smiling

"Yeah yeah..~" i kissed him and he kissed me back

(Not long but i want people to read this first before i make more longer ones)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2022 ⏰

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"Its our life now.." (sean x finn ) (Life is strange 2)Where stories live. Discover now