Nick turned to the side and propped himself up on his elbow, his palm resting on his face. "I told her about it and she didn't like the idea. She says gyms don't give profit. I think I know what I have to do. I love Tiffany...she's the best girl I've had."

"Alright's settled. You are in love. You are going to get married. So, stop being so emo and pensive about it and be happy to plan out your future." Brian smiled feeling accomplished.

Nick not so much.


Tiffany ran around picking the last things to throw into one of her Coach luggage bags. She was a mess and on top of that running late.

"OMG maybe that was a sign...damn earthquakes." Tiffany fanned herself.

"It's California...earthquakes are normal...not a sign. What else are you missing?" Abby questioned with a giggle.

"It's not funny. I'm so nervous!" Tiffany giggled along with Abby. She was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. "Once again I want to thank you. I have a feeling that you and Nick are going to get along just fine. If not...let me know so I can kick his butt." She giggled again.

Abby laughed and shook her head. "I will definitely let you know. Now, come on you gotta get to the airport. I would go, but something came up. How about Annie?"

" she said she has a hangover. Don't worry about it. I know you have things to do."

Abby really didn't have a thing to do. She just didn't want to get stuck in the same car as Nick on the way back, without anything to talk about. That was going to happen starting tomorrow. The two girls struggled with a suitcase each and behind them strolled Dr. Hunter with the other three bags.

"Thanks" She sounded afraid to say the words.

Everyone met up at the front of the house. Katherine was almost in tears, dramatically dabbing at the corner of her eyes with a tissue. "Oh I'm going to miss you. You are leaving me here all alone. What am I supposed to do for these two weeks. I don't even get to be in the planning."

Sometimes Abby wondered if her father had been on drugs when he'd decided to marry 'smoker voice' Katherine. She was a pretty woman, with good taste, but a really bad voice and dramatics. The woman was the complete opposite of their mother.

"Oh mom! You can definitely participate with some things, I promise. Stop crying I'm coming back home." She hugged her mother tightly and planted a kiss on her cheek. "I love you mom"

She moved on to hug and kiss Dr. Hunter "Please take care of her." He just nodded and wrapped an arm around Katherine.

A silver Hummer pulled into the driveway and came to a halt right in front of the house. "Hey babe." Nick came around the corner and hugged Tiffany. The embrace was long and tight. She kissed him softly and caressed his face.

"I'm going to miss you so much my Nicky."

He cringed at the name. "Me too. Come on we are already running late." His eyes met with everyone else's. "Hi everybody. Is anyone else going?"

"Nope babe. It's just you and me." She gave him a flirty smile and he smiled back. She ran up to Abby and gave her a big hug. "Thanks again. See you soon."

"Alright. Take care!"

Nick threw in the last bag, glanced over at Abby and closed the back door. He opened the door for Tiffany, let her in and went around the Hummer to take his seat behind the wheel. With a turn of the key and push of the gas they were off to the airport.

"Is everything alright?"

Nick looked ahead and shook his head. "Sure. Why?"

"You are acting weird, lately. Is something on your mind. Do you wanna talk?" There wasn't anything in specific he wanted to talk about with his bride-to-be. At least not anything she wouldn't end up ripping his head off for. Maybe he should mention that he didn't want her to go. She scooted next to him and placed her head on his shoulders and her hand on his leg. "Nick you know I love you. I really want to marry you. I know that you aren't too happy--"

"I want you to stay. Stay and plan this out with me like normal couples do." Her head remained on his shoulder as she looked up at him. "Your boss will understand, baby!"

"Nick we went through this already. I can't...not go. This is my job, besides if I want to assure I get the partnership at the law firm I need to make sure I have good cases won under my belt. " Tiffany finished with a sigh. "I promise I will make it up to you on our honeymoon" she leaned in and kissed his cheek. "I mean, no offense, but your modeling isn't going to get us that house we want."

He felt a jab to his ego.

"I'm sorry." She placed a kiss on his cheek and ran a hand over his chest. "I didn't mean that in an offensive way. It's just that--"

"It's ok. I understand. Your sister and I will take care of everything and we will..." He smiled and their lips touched, "...get married."

The rest of the ride to LAX was pretty quiet, nothing but the love songs playing from Tiffany's CD. She was still trying to figure out their song and was failing at it miserably. Nick came to a halt and they both hurried to drop off the bags.

"Tiff!" A man called out and waved at the couple.

Nick looked up surprised to hear anyone call her that. He had no idea she was so acquainted with her boss, that he called her that. Nick had seen her boss before. He was an older guy with a dark head of hair and green eyes. Only, today he seemed much younger and better looking. The boss approached them taking Nick's hand first to greet him and then embraced Tiffany. They were talking amongst each other like he wasn't standing there anymore. Then she turned around told him she'd miss him and that she would be back very soon.

"Only two weeks babe..." she kissed him hurriedly, "and I'll be your wife." 

She waved and walked away with her good looking boss.

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