Chapter Two

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This was it, the very day that  would change his life forever.

Or at least for the next few months.

Yes, Austin was going to marry Mackie.


The sun was shining directly in Mackie's closed eyes. She stirred slightly, shifting the weirdly soft hotel sheets around her body. Mackie's head was pounding, a harsh ache on her temples and the front half of her forehead.

With a groan and heavy hand, she rubbed her forehead, trying to relieve the ache. So far, it wasn't working. Mackie had to get up, but she knew to do that, she'd have to open her eyes, and she was positive that was the one thing she really didn't want to do at that moment.

At all.

But, in order to get some drugs that would help, that would require her to get up and open her eyes. She was half tempted to just stay in bed and wait for Skylar to bring her water and some tylenol. Her best friend always knew exactly what would help. Due to her many years of partying starting from the age of twelve, when she first got boobs.

Mackie's lips twitched in a small smile as she braced herself to open her eyes. Gently, her lids fluttered open and when they were met with a bright light, she hissed as if she was part of the undead and groaned in pain.

The throbbing in her head caused her to moan and roll over so that her face was buried in the pillow. As she shifted to her stomach, it was then that she registered her state of undress. Her bare chest pressed into the sheets below her and her eyes shot open.

The brightness slowly dimmed as she stared there, her gaze falling on a dark brown headboard, one she didn't recognize. She leaned up on her elbows and glanced down to see black silk sheets tangled around her body. Her hair was down and fell across her pale skin. Panic rose in her throat and made her heart pound in her ears.

Gathering up all the courage she could muster, she sat up, her bare bottom pressing against the black sheets. Confusion was stronger than ever in her head. She looked around the room, registering two bedside tables on either side of the king size bed. There was a white comforter that was half way to the floor. The carpet was white, black rugs everywhere. The bed that she was sitting in had a black canopy above and many white and black silk pillows. There was a large dresser on the opposite end of the  room where she could see her reflection, hugging the sheets around herself.

"What?" She whispered as she stared around the room. There was a door that lead out into a living room and another that was closed shut, light spilling out from under it and steam rising from the crack at the bottom.

"Please don't let it be a girl. Please don't let it be a girl." She whispered pleadingly. She reached up to run her hand through her hair but stopped when light was caught on the ring finger of her left hand. She froze, afraid to look down at her hand.

With a loud swallow, Mackie looked down and nearly screamed in shock to see a large solitaire diamond ring on her third finger. The band was sterling silver as it sat there. As if it owned the finger it rested upon. Or as a sign of doom, either way, Mackie was convinced it was a bad thing.

She looked around the room, and saw her purple dress sitting on the floor on the opposite side near the dark wood dresser. Her heels were somewhere in the room, hidden from her view. Her eyes fell to the closed door with light shining through and she began to panic. She needed to get out of there. And fast.

Just as she stood from the bed and got halfway across the room, the sheet still wrapped around her naked body, the door of the bathroom opened and Mackie squeaked in surprise. The steam poured from the bathroom dramatically as a figure emerged.

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