Chapter One

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Mackie spun around in circles on the table, laughing obnoxiously down at Skylar, her best friend who was sporting a frown with her arms crossed. At that moment, Mackie really couldn't care.

Her whole life, Mackie had done what she was supposed to without complaint and never said a word about such things. As a twenty three year old receptionist for a large business company, Mackie always wondered if her life would get any better. Starting today, on her birthday she knew things would change for her.

"Mackie, you'll get hurt, get down!" Skylar scolded, reaching for Mackie's hand and tugging on it slightly. On a normal day, such an action wouldn't cause Mackie to topple over messily, but being this special day, she decided to let loose and have a drink or two...or three...or ten. Really, she lost count after five.

"Why don't you just come up here and join me, Skylar? Let loose, you're so uptight." Mackie snorted and grasped her drink in her hand and swallowed a large gulp. She giggled uncontrollably and hiccuped, while Skylar's frown deepened.

Skylar tugged on Mackie's hand again and she toppled over sideways, landing harshly on top of the table of the club at the Cosmo. With an 'oof!' Mackie fell to her side and giggled hysterically, not feeling the sharp pain in her rib as she hit the black table.

"Mackie, come on. You've had enough." Skylar said. Mackie pulled her hand from Skylar's grip and rolled over onto her back, laughing loudly and feeling dizzy.

Skylar was at the end of her wits as she watched her best friend roll around the table like a delusional maniac. She rubbed her temples, the buzz from her single drink fading as she did so. Mackie needed to get back to the hotel room. And she needed mad water and ibuprofren.

"I'll never have enough! Do you know how long I've been a grown up, Skylar? All my life! I have never had any fun, and so far, this is the most fun I've had in ages!" Mackie shouted. A few boys nearby toasted their glasses to her and cheered, all the while dancing. Mackie laughed and shouted, "Yeah!" While doing a shimmy on the table top.

Skylar glanced around worriedly, hoping nobody could see Mackie's little miss in the tight dress she wore. Mackie had never been a partier, and Skylar knew that first hand when they had become friends in middle school. Mackie hated drinking, smoking, and parties.

But tonight, on her twenty third birthday, apparently every single one of her morals had flown out the window. Skylar rubbed her temples again and contemplated how to get her best friend back to the hotel.

 "Mackie, it's late, we need to go back to the room." Skylar said. Mackie ignored her and reached for her glass and swallowed the rest of it's contents. As another wave of the booze hit her system, Mackie hopped down from the table and gyrated her body to the music playing throughout the club.

Skylar lost her temper and shouted, "Fine! Have fun, I'm going home!" She grabbed her things and turned, exiting the club quickly, so as to avoid her best friend's drunken state. As she walked out the exit, she fumed and cursed Mackie.


Austin was losing interest in the girl standing before him. She talked about nothing but herself and how she found the sexy red dress that was currently slipping downward as she moved her arms about. To be honest, Austin found the little peep show he was getting interesting, yet boring at the same time. He wanted someone with a little more class than this.

As he nodded in agreement with every word that spewed from the girl's red caked lips, his eyes fell on a girl in a deep purple one strap dress and four inch heels dancing on a black table, swaying her hips and downing the rest of her frilly drink.

She instantly captured Austin's attention. Everything about her was intriguing. The way her dark wavy hair swayed around her shoulders and touched her waist gently. He wanted to run his fingers through it. She had a small heart shaped face and full pink lips that moved sensually as she spoke, and large blue eyes that caught his soul from the opposite side of the room.

Strip Tease {to be finished}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora