




Drip. Drip. Drip...

The dew from the grass drips down onto the ground, right where Galacta is sitting.

They took a deep breath of the fresh air, enjoying the scenery around them.

It has been a while since they relaxed this much. Not having to face anymore battles, or escape from getting captured, or even facing any danger!

It feels...

Very nice.

Galacta really missed nature. Especially flowers. It has been eons since they've ever been this relaxed.

The cool breeze passed by Galacta as they slowly looked around. They closed their eyes and tried to remember what their home planet had looked like. It had been so long ago, that they barely remember anything from their past.

Of course, they knew that the landscape of their home planet looked nothing like Dreamland.

Galacta knew.

But, it was their home planet after all...

And it wouldn't hurt to imagine it, would it?

Galacta opened their eyes, not wanting to think about it.

To be honest, Galacta was a bit jealous of Meta, having to live his current life with out constantly being alert for enemies that might take your life if you're not being careful enough. That's the harsh environment of Halcandria you had to live in. With no one to help you, you're all on your own to survive. After all, it's kill or be killed, survival of the fittest, is what they would say. Only the strong would survive, and the weak? They will only suffer the consequences.

Well, the past is the past. After all, Galacta doesn't have to live this lifestyle anymore, so they should be glad for it.

Spring was already here, so why not make a few flower crowns? They remembered that 3 of their mentors loved making flower crowns, and would often make them with Galacta. It was one of the few their memories that they liked.

They stood up, scavenging for some sort of twigs and vines they can wrap together to make a large ring, as well as some flowers and flower petals. Galacta found this very relaxing and fun to do.

Once they gathered all of their materials, they sat down once again and started working on the crown. They hummed a little song them and their mentors made up. Despite it being eons ago, they remembered it very clear.

You've been sending flowers t o me

Send me no flowers today

Instead of sending flowers, come back to me

And hold me in your arms again...

And, the flower crown was finished!

Galacta held it up in the air to examine their work. It's one of the rare times where you see them smiling, especially at something so simple like a flower crown. But nonetheless, it made Galacta very happy to have made one in so long.

"What's that?" asked Meta Knight, walking up to Galacta.

"Gahh!" a confused Galacta yelped. They quickly hid their flower crown from Meta.

"Can you maybe, not sneak up on me like that?"

"Ah, apologies."

"Can I see what you have there?"

"It's nothing."

"Well, it doesn't look like nothing."

Galacta sent him an annoyed glare.

"Alright, since you don't want to say it, I won't force you. Now let's get back to the castle before you catch a cold. It may be spring, but the weather is still a bit chilly, especially in the mornings."

"Oh? Is that what you came for?"

Meta Knight held back an eye roll.

"Yes. You sitting on the ground isn't helping anyone. I'll be back at the castle."

With that, Meta Knight turned and walked away. When he was out out sight, Galacta took out the flower crown again and closely inspected it, hoping it wasn't damaged. They quickly casted a spell that prevented the flowers from withering away. They stood up, put on their mask and dusted themselves off.

Galacta sighed. So much for a peaceful morning.

But, it did feel nice to come out here and enjoy a bit of peace. Galacta flew back to the castle to see Meta waiting for them.

Flowers (Galacta Knight One-shot)Where stories live. Discover now