Since when is a he willing to help?

Start from the beginning

"Tsk. Of course a brute like you has nothing in his empty brain but fighting. It was in the Huaguan village. The monster sets off deadly poison that will affect all those near, killing them in 30 minutes.

"Ah, the Du Mao monster. Your description is quite accurate, one thing that you hadn't mentioned is right before death, it was release a poison different from his deadly one, but one that turns those near to a monster like him. But-"

"Is there a cure? If there is, I'll do anything to get it."

"Tsk. Since when are you so willing to help me, huh? Pity me? Can't see your biggest rival turn into something that could kill you in a matter of minutes?!"

'Liu Qingge's pride is too big, he loves humiliating me but if I get the power to humiliate him back he suddenly turns to a coward. I hate him. Even if I turn to a monster, as long as I can beat him up, I wouldn't mind it. I envy his strength...'

"Qingqiu, Liu-shidi, please calm yourselves. Shen-shixiong isn't going to turn into anything. The poison only affects other monsters. I've never seen a human encounter it, but I am certain it doesn't affect them as much. It seems like what it does is turn them into something between a cat and human..."


So turns out he is now stuck as a half cat for who knows how long. And even worse, he's still prohibited from being left alone but at least he's allowed to return to his peak. The worst part is, they now need to pick who will stay with Shen Qingqiu until a cure is found...

"Count me out! Sleeping in the same room as a man who lusts over girls and is incapable of controlling his sexual needs. Tsk. I refuse to have anything to do with it or him!"

"Ahh, I have too much work. Especially now considering I have to fix Mu-shixiong's door... Again..."

"Qingqi-shidi and Shang-shidi's reasons are understandable. Since nobody else is willing to, how about I-"

The realization that he might sleep with Yue Qingyuan felt like being slapped in the face. Twice.

Once for the disgust, sleeping in the presence of another man so closely, so vulnerable.. He'd rather die.

And second for the memories, when they were still on the streets, they would sleep together every night, their bodies tightly pressed against each other, seeking warmth from the other.

He hated Yue Qingyuan deeply.

But he loved Qi-Ge deeply.

They're not the same. To him, they're two different people. The same way he and Xiao Jiu are not the same. They're two different people. That's why whenever Yue Qingyuan calls him Xiao Jiu, he doesn't answer. He isn't Xiao Jiu. Xiao Jiu is a slave, one that trusted his Qi-Ge deeply and endured hell for it. But was thrown aside. But Shen Qingqiu is a hateful, cold, and unloving immortal.

He cherished those memories deeply. Because they were of a man he once loved deeply.

"No need. Zhangmen-shixiong is the sect leader, it's improper for you to sleep with your shidi. It might damage shixiong's reputation. I'll do it."

"Ahh... You need not worry about this shixiong's reputation-"

Fine, I'll take on your challenge, Liu Qingge. It's better than sleeping with Yue Qingyuan anyway. Plus, refusing his request would mean either sleeping with Zui Xian peak lord, that drunkan, Tian Qingchun. Or with Wei Qingwei, whom overall wasn't horrible, but he knew nothing of.

"Liu Qingge is correct. It's better with him. It's more *proper*, Zhangmen-shixiong."

He spit Yue Qingyuan's name from his mouth with outmost disrespect, he wished to show him to his face his disinterest in his fake kindness. He wants the man to leave him alone. It was obvious Yue Qingyuan wished nothing to do with him, he is dirty. Yet the man still couldn't handle not being the hero. It's disgusting. It's so obviously fake.

"Since Xiao Jiu agrees, it seems it's fine... Please refrain from causing unnecessary arguments and fights. And Liu Qingge, you are permitted to leave this meeting early to prepare your stuff."

Yue Qingyuan's need to be the good guy would never allow it, but it was clear that his "request for peace" was said towards Qingqiu. He knew it. Nobody else knew it. He was used to it though, somehow, it seems the blame was always placed on him regardless.

After a slight bow, Liu Qingge went to the broken, now fully torn off door, and left to his peak with quick and big steps.


Usually he looks forward to the end of meetings, when he can finally return to his bamboo house and calm down. Alone.

But now, it seems he won't even be able to be left alone.

This curse put upon him will be the death of him and his sanity for sure.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2022 ⏰

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