A one-time agreement

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"Qingqiu! Are you an idiot?!"

Yeah. For the first time and hopefully last time, he actually agrees with the brute. He truly is an idiot.

"Why would you... Don't you hate me..?"

A painful sensation immediately hit his back and he let out a husky groan in response. He gritted his teeth against his tongue until it bled. The pain was excruciating, it felt like being stabbed repeatedly in his lower body's back.

"Shut up! You're too loud! I don't care about what you have to say! Just... Quiet down.."

His head was pounding as if he had just hit it against the wall repeatedly until his skull broke. It was exhausting, his ears felt more sensitive than normal, as if it was slowly losing it's ability to hear.

His nails hurt, it was sudden but he felt as if his nails were being ripped out and replaced, a new layer replacing the old one.

He is unable to move, only lay vulnerabily in the grasp of the other man.

Suddenly, he's flying. He is being carried by the brute whom he had just saved. An idiot he is, why did he do it? The other man's cultivation is better than his, he would able to withstand the poison.

But something overtook him, right before the monster self-destructed, hoping to at least drag them with it to death too. He stupidly pushed Liu Qingge out of the way, taking in the poison himself. Idiot. He is such an idiot.

Yet, laying in the man's gentle embrace as he flies on his sword, it felt so different from what he has ever felt or known. The touch's warmth felt intoxicating. If he was sober, it would have brought him to tears.

Just for a moment, he forgot that the man holding him wasn't his most hated shidi. But was a loving man, whom would do anything in his power to protect him from any harm, and would never, ever, leave him.

He could feel his consciousness slowly slipping away, replaced by sleepiness. Finally, he fell asleep.

For the first time, it wasn't filled with unending nightmares.


When he finally arrived, Liu Qingge kicked down the doors of the Qian Cao peak. Mu Qingfang has long grown used to the man's dramatic entering, he no longer questioned it nor tried to stop it. He simply requested Shang Qinghua every time to bring a new one.

This time, the man hadn't arrived alone, but had a man in laying in his arms.

"Mu-Shidi! Qingqiu is-"

He.. has cat ears?! And a fluffy white tail?! And sharp claws???

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