11: The Search Begins

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Challenger's POV

So, now I have 2 talking cards. The Stinkbug mentioned something about a Stunted Wolf, maybe that was one too? Most likely. Well, these 3 probably know each other, obviously. I wonder what happened to them.

Anyways, card time. A Cockroach, Alpha, and...

Wait a second! That's the card I made! I'm even on it and everything! How did he...

Never mind. I'm taking it. It's way too powerful to pass up.

With myself in my deck, I moved onto another fight. Soon, the Stoat and Stinkbug started talking.

"Oh...hi. Didn't expect to see you."

"I see things have not been the best for you. But, we still have another friend here..."

"Not much of a friend to me...but I suppose we are in deep this time..."

"Yes, we are. Another way to reset was created by that friend."

"I see. Well, our player friend here will need to find it. You know where it went?"

"First of all, do not refer to our friends as "its." Second, I think the Stunted Wolf is hidden inside the clock. But how to open it..."

"Quiet, you 2. You need not spend the game talking. You shall play."

I could just about hear the Stoat silently sigh. Those 2 really don't like each other. What did this card do to be constantly silenced by the DM? Again, leaving questions for later. I need to play.

As usual, I won. I moved on, adding a Corpse Maggots and upgrading the Stinkbug's attack. Then, a totem battle. Hm, moving insects.

"Why can't I remember the Stunted Wolf at all? I may have lost memories in the flash..."

Wait, the flash? Did they get caught by this weirdo's camera too? If so, how did I come back? Why doesn't my card talk? Guess I'm just special or something. Anyways, fighting.

Once again, I won. This kinda feels...easier. It's probably just in my head though. Then there was some rustling coming from under the table.

"Please excuse me. I have...something...to take care of. I will not be too long."

The Stoat and Stinkbug decided to get chatty soon after he said that, climbing under the table.

"Hey, player. Over here."

"Yes. Please listen to us."

"You see that Caged Wolf card? We think there's something more to it."

"He hid it for a reason. Do you see the wooden wolf in the cage across the room?"

Sure enough, there was. But how did a card correlate to that thing?

"That card and that carving definitely are connected. Maybe, if something happens to the card, the same will happen to that ugly thing."

"Please, do not ignore it over the large cost. It may be our only way of resetting..."

Resetting? The heck does that mean? I swear, I think I'm going crazy. I mean, talking cards?! That makes no sense! But this guy doesn't either. I guess I should just go along. I don't want my own deck to be mad at me. What else do I have to do? Beat the game, I guess. But I don't even know if there's an end!

The DM came back up from under the table, the sound stopping. Looks like whatever was under there calmed down. Or died. I don't know. Say, isn't the item bag down there?

"I must apologize for the inconvenience. There was a...misunderstanding. Let us continue."

Misunderstanding? Did he have someone under the table? Can't bother to look though. Don't want to risk seeing a dead body. Now, back to the game.

In the next fight, the Stinkbug talked to me again.

"That Caged Wolf will definitely do something to that carving if something happens to it. I think it may be like a voodoo doll, where hurting one will hurt the other. I hope you can figure this out."


The Stinkbug looked really scared now. It silently retreated back into my hand, right next to the Caged Wolf. So, I gotta do something with this. It said it could be like a voodoo thing, so...just get the thing killed? Seems easy enough. The only problem was that it costed 2 blood. That is a hefty price for a 0-6. But, I apparently gotta do this. Ugh, this is most likely not gonna be worth a life. But I wasted a turn just to get this dumb thing down. Then, I simply stalled the battle until it died from an Elk, and it became a Wolf. At the same time, I swore I heard something break.

"That's it!"

I guess it was a voodoo situation. After I won, I got up and went to see for myself, and sure enough, the cage was broken, and the wolf carving was mine for the taking. I picked it up studying it. It's hexagonal base fit well with the hexagon shaped hole next to the wooden squirrel with the knife. I placed to carving into the slot, prying open the squirrel's arms. I picked up the dagger it released.

"You have finally pried my cursed dagger from the paws of Reginald. But you may regret it."

Cursed dagger, huh...

Wait, did he name that wooden squirrel Reginald?!


Reginald, huh? This guy really seems crazy, naming wood carvings, and making them hold cursed daggers. So, your next question:

Who do you think this DM is?


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