Chapter 2 Shopping

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(October ) You can pick me up in 10 minutes I will be ready ( Sun) okay then I will be there in 10 minutes I am so excited I can't wait we can hit hot topic and the goth city to I saw something in both of these stores that I wanted to make an outfit out of perfect for the show you can look something for you too. ( October ) yeah sound good I mean I don't think that Therion like me that way I am not his type and he had many more to pick from to pick me and I know what type of guy he is okay so I won't bring my hopes up.  (Sun) will we will see I here come out now we can get something to eat at the mall to I am sure all that shopping will make us hungry piazza sound good for you ( October ) I will be out in little and piazza sound great to me.  ( Sun) Hey let go you ever know you could be Therion type he like a metal woman and that is what you are and that is what you are so let's try to stand out and get backstage and have fun ( October) okay if you say so I will try okay no promises.  ( Sun) How does this look on me this is the outfit in my dreams that is going to look so good when I wear it on the day of the show ( October) I love it was looking good on you where made for this scene what you think about this with also this I thought it looks good together? 

( Sun) I love it now you just need some shoes I get the ones that will go great with that outfit here to try these on (October) what do you think ( Therion) so the show tonight I will be there I just get you to know I will be back on time don't worry okay all the guys on band did what I did but then had more control over it. I was late on band shows and I get yelled at in fights with my band members but then was get over it plus then know then could not get a bass player as good as me so I got out of it but then hated when I did it. But I had to get the fix of my drugs I played better, even more, when I was high but it would never last me because I go through so fast because I was so addicted to it and I could live without it.  I told you I will be on time so I will be on time okay stop yelling at me okay and I want on my way I wasted most of my money on my drugs and it was not cheap to get but I had to have to live on so I did not care what money I had to wast.  my drug deal was had what I wanted but at times he would sell for me because I owe him money sometimes but I was found a way for him to sell to me but he told me this was the last time he does it for me. 

 ( Therion) I get what I wanted and made my way back to where the show was going to be I passed my band members and closed the door to my dressing room and take my drug up my nose it hit me the right way that first hit was so good I felt life again. I take one more hit my last it was wanted the right way it ever lasted as long as I wanted that high all much longer I want it to last forever but for that, to happen I had to keep getting more drugs to happen I get over not getting. That high for now in till later on after the show done as I did, for now, I have to get on stage before I I get yelled at again but I will be back for more of you for sure as I put the rest was somewhere in my dressing room. ( Vince) I know you make back I love you men but you get slow down with what you're doing to your body is not good for you or the band ( Therion) he has said the same thing and I have told him the same thing back which was a lie. I know he know it was lying to him he was a good friend but he did not understand I can't stop this my addition and I can't do a day without it I have bad days when I don't have it I am very mad when I don't.

( Therion) I could get very out of control in a bad way I think Vince know to let me be but he was a good friend who still kept an eye on me to make sure as he called it that I was not dying I made my way on stage that was also like a drug like been on there playing my bass was such feeling. I love playing music scent I could remember it was my dream and now I was living it and I did not want to lose that but I think I was getting to the point where I could lose it because of this drug I was an addition to more. It was a big crowd as we got a lot of people singing along yelling out how much they loved us and I played my heart out looking out to the crowd we played a great set and we got to the point of your last song.  I know at the end of this we each pick out a few fans to come to hang out with us I looked out into the crowd and that was when I saw a smile so sweet but had something else to smile at as I played on. She smiled back and me I know she is my pick ( Sun) Oh my god he just yes he smiled at you and you smiled back right he so going to pick you ( October ) I am not going if-then don't pick you too.  

( Vince) Oh right, thank you all again for another great show we will see you soon good night ( Therion) I look at Vince tell him which girl I want I point at her and he smiles at the guide to let him know ( Sun) see he pointed at you he picking you ( October ) a guide comes up to us said Therion want to meet me backstage. ( October ) I am not going without her I tell him the guide looks back at Vince the singer I hear said my friend can come to Sun started to freak out and we follow the guide out of the crowd. Sun grabs my arm still so excited and smiling as we meet up with the band members I was never in a way had a crush on this man and now I was meeting him what was I even going to say. ( Therion ) sorry, hold I am all sweaty let go change and I will meet you back here Mmm ( October ) it October and it's okay I get it I wait here for you ( Therion) that nice name o like that be quick to stay here don't go anywhere. ( Sun) he so likes you I have my eye out on Vince he is the one want I am so happy that you living your dream finally ( October) minutes later Therion was back with some new clothes and he fix his hair for me tryed to look my best to. 

(October ) That did not take you long I mean I don't know what I mean sorry I've wanted to meet you for a very long time ( Sun) yeah she had a big crush on you ( October ) Sun my friends crazy. ( Therion) is that so that you have a crush on me I mean what would you say if I am into you that's why I picked you to seem like you, not like the other girls out there I wanted to get to know you if you let me. ( October) I love that I get say your bass playing in your guy's song nightfall was so good I will use to be a musician too and I know the good bass line when I hear it. ( Therion ) I love a girl that knows her bass lines and music to that cool that you were in a band what happened that it stopped ( October ) A lot different than all it to bad I miss it a lot. ( Therion) With most girls, I am you know in bed with them already then having them go on their way but with October it was different I wanted sex with her I did bad .

 (Therion) But I was not going to do that to her ( October ) I do still write music I can live without that but I have not put it out there kept to myself I don't know why but I just have not. (Therion) I love to hear it if you let me of course ( October ) Maybe I don't know I am shy about my music ( Therion) I get it I won't push it but I am still here when you won't show me it. ( Vince) Hey guy and girls we are going to stop and have some drinks what do you girls say ( October ) I look at Therion and back at my friend Sun and I give her and yes. ( October) We head to the bar I and Therion still talked I am surpise he does not try to get all handles on me I know the type of guy he is but I still had a crush on this guy.

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