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No matter what glance, gesture or expression I give It's no use, nothing works You just don't get it, do you
What more can I do to express how I feel Didn't realize it at first, but
At some point I started to like you, silly How could you be so unaware
When will you stop being so obtuse
Treating me only as a friend That is not what I want.

No one's POV:

Myung-Hee sat in class flicking the pen in her hand. It's been a week since she saw Jeongin and she couldn't stop thinking about the boy. Ever since that day he apologized she couldn't stop thinking about him. She didn't know what this sensation was but she didn't like being away from him. She wanted to talk to him, see his dimpled smile, stare into those beautiful clear eyes. The school bell rang bringing Myung-Hee out of her thoughts. She quickly ran out the door getting eyes from everyone. She ran towards the bus stop and waited before the bus came. As much as she wanted to see Jeongin she didn't want him to see her like this. She got home and greeted her parents and went to her room to change. She was debating over what to wear. She really never cared about her clothing but she wanted to look pretty, for him. She went through her closet and finally found something presentable. She wore a cute pink dress with a white shirt underneath it. She then put on some light make-up and took her bag and left. She was astatic to go to the hospital today. When she got there she went to Jeongin's room only to find him reading.

Jeongin looked away from the book he was reading and looked at Myung-Hee. "Hi Myung-Hee, how are you." He said as he put his closes and put the book he was reading down. "Hi Jeongin, I'm good you." Myung-Hee said as she saw down on the chair by Jeongin's bed. "Have you eaten yet?" Myung-Hee asked Jeongin. "Not yet, but you can come eat with me in the cafeteria." Jeongin said getting up from his bed. "Sure I'd love too." Myung-Hee said and stood up as well. She may have looked okay with it but inside was a different story.

Myung-Hee POV

Sure Jeongin just asked me to eat lunch with him. It's like she asked me on a date!? But technically in a hospital but I don't have an issue with that, right?
"Have you had hospital food before?" Jeongin asked putting the sandwiches infront of us. " Um yeah once when my little brother refused to eat, so I had to show him it's okay." "Oh about your brother, how is he doing?" Jeongin asked as we both are our sandwiches. "He's great I saw him yesterday." I said almost finishing my sandwich. Hospital food wasn't that bad. Actually it was pretty good. Jeongin stood up and took the plates. His such a gentleman. Jeongin came back with two pudding cups. I thought mabye you'd want to eat some desert." He said flashing me a big smile. "Thank you." We started eating our pudding cups and Jeongin stopped and laughed at me. "What? Is there something on my face?" I asked worried. "Actually there is." Jeongin said chuckling. He took his thumb and rubbed something of my face. We just stared at each other. I felt as if we were the only people in the world. His beautiful black eyes staring at mine. Then he realised and stoped. "Sorry you had a little pudding on your lip." He laughed it of. "Not it's okay." I said.

Me and Jeongin finished eating and we went to the lounge. Who knew a mental hospital had one of those. "Umm, do you wanna watch a movie?" Jeongin asked. "Sure I'd love too." Jeongin put a movie on and we started watching it. I put my head on his shoulder as I was slowly falling asleep. Jeongin noticed and just smiled.

No one's POV:

Jeongin saw Myung-Hee sleeping and stood up to put a blanket on her. He looked at her she looked so pretty,so perfect.

Three hours later~

Myung-Hee POV

I woke up and I was laying next to Jeongin. He was reading a book. I moved from his shoulder and checked the time. " Oh you awake. I didn't want to wake you up so I decided you needed some rest." I looked at the time. " Visiting hours ended-" Jeongin cut me off. "Two hours ago." Jeongin said looking at me. "It's okay tho, I told one of the nurses that your still here, so I can walk you home." "Wait I didn't know patients could leave the hospital alone." "Not alone, a driver will drive us to your house. Now come on let's go."

Jeongin and I left the hospital. He held my hand as usual. He was used to it now. "That's what friends do right?" Jeongin asked me a question. "Huh? Do what mean." I asked Jeongin as we entered the black car and sat down. He looked at me and said "I mean hold hands, laugh together and hug right?" Jeongin looked at me with bright eyes. "Yeah, right that's what they do.." I mean what could I say? I'm technically Jeongin's first friend, he doesn't know how this works. "Myung-Hee are you okay"? Jeongin asked me as we reached my house. "um yeah, just thinking of some school project." I said looking out the window. He simply mouthed an "O" and looked away. I told the driver that this is my stop. " Goodbye Jeongin." I said and closed the door before Jeongin could say anything. I quickly ran to my room and threw myself on my bed. K felt sad. I didn't know why or since when I felt this way for Jeongin but here I am.

Jeongin. Here you are being clueless as usual. I send you a sign, send you a signal, But it doesn't work at all. I give you a glance and keep throwing hints But you don't understand. You really get me so frustrated I really don't know why
Once again I gather up the courage
I send you a sign, send you a signal I fell asleep on purpose I wanted to be close to you, but clearly you don't see that. No matter what you I do you just don't get it. What can I do to express my feelings towards you. Didn't realise it at first. But at some point I started to like you. How could you not notice ? Only treating me as a friend. That's not what I want. I wanted more and more.

Stream signal by twice

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Signal pt1

remember I'll always love you (Jeongin ff)Where stories live. Discover now