chapter 4

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You rock my world...

It's been 4 days since Myung-Hee had been at the hospital I talked to the doctors and they told me it was nothing serious they just had to treat her wounds and keep her for inspection to see how the wounds would heal. So they'd discharge her today.

Today I woke up and got ready I went downstairs to eat breakfast. My mom was humming a song while making waffles. My mom always cooked for us. Whether it was breakfast,lunch or on school trips. It was always the three of us. Me, Mom and dad.

"Good morning ginne, How'd you sleep last night?"  "Oh mom I slept well how about you"? "Don't worry son I slept well too." Mom put two waffles on my plate and put some rainbow sprinkles and whipped cream. While I was munching of my waffles my father came in and ruffled my hair. "Good morning kiddo how's it?" I don't know why my dad speaks like his a football coach or something.( I don't mean to offend any football fans idk why but I just thinks that's how they communicate) "oh hey dad I'm good. I should probably get going." "I'll drop you off today." I left and mom gave me a peck on the cheek and me and dad got in the car and drove to school.

I go to school and waves for to my dad when he left. I got to the doors and I saw Seungmin, standing there next to Myung-Hee giving me a smile. She ran to me and gave me a hug I blushed by the  sudden act of affection. Seungmin looked at me from behind and gave me a smile and a thumbs up. I hugged Myung-Hee back and we walked into the school. "Sorry guys but I don't have any classes with you so I guess I'll get to my class and see you at lunch and after school okay?"  "Okay bye Seungmin." Me and Myung-Hee said at the same time. Myung-Hee and I walked together then she held my hand and stopped me infront of our class. "Are you sure you want to go in because I don't want too." Myung-Hee said looking at me. "What do you mean. Where do you want to go?" I said with a confused look on my face. "Well do you trust me?" She said looking at me with those beautiful brown eyes of hers I loved her. So I trusted her. "Okay then where do you want to go miss Myung-Hee?" I asked her she held my hand which caused me to blush and giggle a little an we ran towards the School doors then the gates. Myung-Hee was pulling my hand towards her running body (my phone lost the italic text so I didn't want to retype the paragraph so pls dont get confused)
After a few minutes of running Myung-Hee finally stopped at a cute little candy shop. I looked at her confused why would she want to leave school to go to a candy shop. "Umm can I have 1 bag of those 2bags of popcorn and 2bags of that and that." Myung-Hee said to the cashier, as she pointed to the different types of candy she wanted. The lady gave her,her things and Myung-Hee paid for them and that's when I thought I should probably say something. "Myung-Hee why are we here buying candy like it's nothing?" I said looking at her confused. "Don't worry just keep quiet and come with me." She said after giggling.

After an hour Myung-Hee took me to this magical place. It was a beautiful setting with a beautiful waterfall with a little clear water river and bright green grass. There was a big tree. Myung-Hee lead me  there and sat me down. "This is my happy place. I come here whenever I want to escape from the world from reality.." Myung-Hee said then gave me a big sigh. " Wow it's beautiful almost as beautiful as you" I said smirking as Myung-Hee blushed and hit my shoulder with her hand playfully. "Jeongin this place is very special to me and your special to me so I thought I'd share it with a special friend." Special. She took me to a place that's special to her and she - she called me a special friend. "Myung-Hee I didn't know that I meant that much to you." I said flustered by her words. "Yes, your very special to me your the reason I hold on your-your my everything."  Myung-Hee said looking into my eyes with a smile and putting her hand on top of mine. I looked at her giving her a smile back. She then put her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes.   I blushed and put my head on hers that's when I thought I should tell her how I feel. This felt right this felt as if this was the right place and the right time. "Myung-Hee your very special to me too." You know why?" I said and she nodded her head and hummed no. "Your very special to me because-because i love you.

Myung-Hee raised her head and looked at me shocked. "You-you can't love someone love me." She said as her eyes stared watering. My heart broke I always thought that she doesn't feel the same. And that though came to a reality. "No, don't get me wrong I like you too but you can't like someone like me." She said as a tear streamed down her face. " You can't love me because I'm not perfect like you..

Well Yup this is the longest chapter ever and hey how bout that sudden ending.hehe I love doing this to y'all but don't worry I'll update soon...soon... Now bye guys hi ladies 💋

 Now bye guys hi ladies 💋

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