The world as it once was ceased to exist and was replaced by a hellish domain that served nothing but misery.

With each advancement the muggles made, they managed to break the world some more, forever incapable of learning to share the world as they were meant to—never understanding that magic was the sole reason for their existence.

For over a century, absolute destruction and incomprehensible mayhem plagued the world, with no cure for the deeply rooted disease that brought the world to its shattered knees.

One hundred and thirty-eight years of war, and it was all coming to a painful and deadly end because the muggles found a way to destroy her—the mother of all that walks the earth. They managed to create an abomination that, unbeknown to them, was going to destroy everything in its path, and Britain was the first the feel its wrath.

Two hours ago, London was fatally struck, leaving it to bleed out and drive the whole country into decay. No witch, wizard, muggle, or creature that had stayed was left alive. Ashes and a pungent smell of death and toxins were all that remained.

A thick cloud of smoke and dirt covered the ruins of the city, and it was still growing larger, fed by every last building that was collapsing and burning.

Among the chaos and rubble, there was a lone surviving tower atop which a raven-haired man silently appeared out of thin air. He stood completely still while his wary and saddened eyes roamed over the debris, his dark emerald cloak billowing wildly behind him in the wind. His broad-looking shoulders immediately sagged as he took in the destruction that spread out in each direction.

To the raven-haired man's left, another figure appeared. This figure wore a long, black robe with a hood that concealed his whole face. As he appeared, this dark-hooded man stumbled and almost collapsed to his knees, but the raven-haired man was quick to grab him by his shoulder to steady him.

"Too ma-many souls," rasped the black-robed man before bending over in unbearable pain.

The raven-haired man winced and waited for his longtime companion to push through the pain and regain his bearings.

"This is the end, isn't it?" the raven-haired man asked him once his friend's breathing evened out, his voice raw with distress and disbelief.

The dark-hooded man groaned as he straightened his back and did his best to ignore the pain resonating within his very being.

"They have chosen," he confirmed, still somewhat breathless, not bothering to feign the same surprise and incredulity his friend felt.

"I didn't think" the raven-haired man trailed off, at a loss for words. "I honestly thought-" he started again, but choked and shook his head disappointedly. "I thought it would get better," he finally whispered. "I never imagined that they could be so..........."

"Unreasonable? Spiteful? Ignorant? Blind?" supplied his companion rather testily as he curiously peeked at the fiery pits below them.

"Yes," he agreed with a slight frown. "And so unbelievably cruel," he added as he felt another agonized magical pulse vibrating up his limbs. These pulses were his mothers' tortured, dying cries. "How could they do this to her?" he questioned distraughtly, desperate to understand how it could have all gone so wrong. "Mother Magic is dying—poisoned by these ungrateful non-magicals. How- How dare they?!" he roared into the raging storm.

Fed by his anger, the fires burning around them blazed even higher and started dancing ferociously to the beat of his unsettled heart. Then, the raven-haired man's green eyes took on a dangerous shine to them, glowing unnaturally bright amidst the darkness around him, and suddenly, his all-consuming fury made the earth beneath them shake violently.

Son of MagicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora