Everyone finally met back with Nate, Nancy, Tyler, and still haven't met Katie

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Everyone finally met back with Nate, Nancy, Tyler, and still haven't met Katie. They were going to pick a horse that they were going to ride for the whole trip and they were all very excited. Nate told them that they can decide who they wanted to ride and so everyone went around and picked their horse for the trip. Nate wrote down on a list who picked who.

Phil: Taffy
David: Spartan
Aaron: London
Melinda: Amaris
Mack: Marc
Spencer: Reed
Leopold: Napoleon
Yoyo: Ben
Jemma: Genie
Emily: Scarlet
JJ: Kj
Penelope: Grace
Derek: Damon
Daisy: Lotus
Bobbi: Lily
Hunter: Arrow

If you're wondering about Jack and Henry, they will be riding with Aaron and JJ. After Nate wrote down who chose who, he looked to everyone with a smile, "For the time being, everyone interact with your horse and make it know that you can be trusted and then they will do the same." Everyone began to interact with the horses they have chosen. Nate began to walk away, allowing them all alone with their horses, until a young girl ran towards her father. "Dad! I just saw a mountain lion! Up towards Berry Creek! Then I saw this horse, scared him off!" Katie tells Nate with fright and held his hands up at her telling her to calm down. He inclined his head to the right and looked at her with a calm face. The team crowded around to hear what she was saying. They were shocked when they heard what was going on. "Now, calm down. Did you see a lion or a horse?" Nate asks and Katie looked at him confused, "Both!" Nate nodded, "Alright. I'm just glad you're alright. Go to your mother and help her with dinner." Katie nodded and walked away from the team and father towards the house. Nate turned towards the team to see that they were curious about what was going on. "Around here, there is some wild mustangs and mountain lions. Mustangs are rare as we never seen one in miles but I guess one has came around." Nate informs them as he helped making the team understand what he told them. "C'mon! We have to get you guys all saddled up and on your horses. We have something exciting to show you guys!" Nate tells them as he began to get everyone on their horses. Jemma was having difficulty getting on and so Spencer walked over and helped her up. She smiled at him in thanks as he got on his horse and they got their horses to walk walk side by side and pass Derek. He was having difficulty getting on his horse too and he got help by Nate. He felt embarrassed and made his horse walk behind them. Melinda sat on her horse and Aaron lifted Jack to her so she can hold him so he can get on. He had difficulty too and Melinda brought her hand to her mouth to stop herself from laughing making him look up at her and roll his eyes at her. "What?" Aaron asked but Melinda just shook her head and sat waiting for him to get on his horse. Aaron finally got on and the two horses trotted side by side. David, who was watching from his horse, smiled at the little family at how cute they were together.

Two Teams in One

Nate lead the team to a massive field as horses were running around and rolling on the ground. Jemma gasped watching them as she was super excited to see this in person. Nate ran in front of them and stood at attention to explain what they were seeing. "These are the quarter horses that we let out into the field once every few months. This field is very far but at the end, there is a cliff, so we want to make sure they don't go that far. Understand?" Nate asks and everyone nodded showing that they understood what he was telling them. Tyler went to say something when a horse started running into the field. "Move out of the way!" Tyler yelled as Nate yelled, "Let her through!" The quarter horses started to follow the wild horse. Everyone moved their horses out of the way as the horse ran. Nate looked to Yoyo, "Here!" He gave her a lasso, "Your horse is the fastest out of all of these ones!" Yoyo looked at him with confusion and fright, "I can't! I just learned how to ride a horse, let someone else do it!" Nate sighed and looked around at everyone that was there. Aaron raised his hand, making everyone think he was offering to do it, and Nate nodded at him. "Melinda can do it!" Aaron told him gesturing to his girlfriend. She looked at him confused before sighing and took the lasso from Yoyo and they switched horses. She handed Jack to Aaron before ushering her horse to run as fast as he could. Everyone followed close behind as she was on the fastest horse in the ranch. Jack and Henry was giggling watching what was going on. Her long black now red hair flew in the wind. Melinda ran behind the mustang that was leading the other horses towards the cliff. "You got this!" Nate yelled behind her as he was close behind in case she didn't have a good hold on the lasso when she got it around the horse's neck. When Melinda got close enough, she casted the lasso and it wrapped around the horse's neck. She huffed and pulled it back towards her before trying to make the horse turn before it went off the cliff. The horse ran even closer to the cliff before turning as it neighed aggressively. The team cheered for her seeing as she managed to get the horse. The other horses followed her and the mustang as they turned back towards the field. Nate held his hand out to Melinda and she handed him the lasso as she rode back towards the others. She sighed in relief knowing that she did it. Tyler rode to his father to take the horse from him as he rode off to see where the horse came from. Melinda hopped off Yoyo's horse and switched with her as Aaron ran to her. "You did so good. I'm proud of you." Aaron told her as he pulled her into a hug and she smiled lightly at him and everyone else. Tyler came to the group with the mustang and looked at her with a grunt, "Can you help me get it in the gate back home?" Melinda nodded and hopped back onto Amaris before taking the lasso from the boy. They made their way back to the farm as Nancy had the gate open for the quarter horses. The horses went in and she closed the gate before turning to the team. "What happened?" Nancy asked everyone but she was cut off as Tyler and Melinda arrived with the mustang and Nancy hastily ran to open the gate. When the gate opened, Melinda lead the horse into the pen before getting out herself. "You see her? That's my horse! Isn't she beautiful?!" Katie asks as she ran towards the pen and jumped on it to look at the horse. "She looks 2 years old." Nancy mentions and Nate scoffed, "Yeah, 2 years wild." The team watched as this all went down as Melinda walked back over to Aaron, who wrapped his arm around her waist, and Jack. "She'll calm down, once I start training her." Katie tells them as everyone had shocked and upset looks on their faces. Aaron held onto Melinda's rope burned hand and began to wrap it. "What?" Nancy asked disappointment written on her face as Nate responded, "No!" Katie looked at him with an upset look, "I can ride her." Nate shook his head and responded sternly, "No you can't and you won't. I won't tolerate it, Katie. No one is riding her!" Katie scoffed and ran off as the parents turned to the team. Nancy gave them a apologetic look at her daughter's actions before smiling lightly. "I am so sorry about what just happened. She is a very determined woman. She will always want to do something when she sets her mind to it." Nancy looked at Melinda "I also appreciate that you helped my son and husband. We've had these horses for years and they have become part of our family." Melinda smiled, "No problem." Nancy then looked back at everyone and clapped her hands, "Who's hungry?" Derek and Hunter raised their hands making her giggle before leading them all inside.

Two Teams in One

Daisy walked around during the sunrise because she wanted some peace and quiet. She turned the corner to see Katie sleeping against the mustang pen. She knew what it was like being determined to find or do something. When she joined SHIELD, she was determined to find her parents and she was willing to do whatever was possible to find them. When she did, she realized her family was with her all along in SHIELD. She walked over to Katie and crouched down to her level. She tapped on Katie making her shoot awake with fright but then softened when she saw Daisy. "I think you should get inside and shower before someone realizes you been asleep outside all night." Daisy tells her and Katie smiled as she run off to the house. Daisy smiled knowing what Katie has been doing all night. She then walked back inside as to not be caught.

Two Teams in One

Everyone was still asleep as they were really tired, except Spencer and Derek. Spencer wanted to stay back for his fiancé but Derek said he needed to talk to him about something important. He was nervous as to what he needed to talk to him about as he followed Derek towards the hay bails at the stables. Derek looked at him with a worried expression, "How do you tell if a woman is pregnant?" Spencer looked at him with widened eyes and a confused look, "What?" Derek sighed and gestured to the house, "I think Dj may be pregnant. I just want to know so I know." Spencer placed a hand on his shoulder to calm his nerves before asking him, "Well, have you guys been...active?" Derek knew that Spencer wasn't one to talk about this, but since it was him who asked about this he was dealing with it. "Yeah. We started when we got home from the one case that May wasn't on until she arrived later on." Derek tells him and Spencer looked at him with a nod, "That would be three weeks ago." Derek shrugged, "Yeah." Spencer looked at him with curiosity, "What are her symptoms?" Derek sighed and rubbed his hands together before dropping them, "Nausea and mood swings." Spencer nodded in consideration then looked at the date on his phone. "Is she late?" Spencer asked and Derek's eyes widened and grabbed his phone to check the date. Daisy had told him when she normally starts her time of the month to make sure he knew when not to mess with her. He groaned and rubbed his hand down his face, "She's late. She starts usually on the sixth." Spencer winced, "It's the tenth." Derek nodded and looked down as Spencer pulled his friend into a hug as he knew that his friend needed it. Derek returned it immediately, because his friend never gave hugs as often. They pulled away from one another before getting spooked by London. They laughed and walked back inside as nothing was going on.

Two Teams in One

Everyone soon got up and began their day. Daisy woke up with a abrupt feeling of throwing up and ran to the bathroom. There was all the rooms but everyone would have to share the bathroom. She ran passed JJ, who knew immediately what was going on, and walked over to help her. She held Daisy's hair back as she let it all out. Daisy sighed when she finished and then smiled thankfully at JJ, "Thanks." JJ rubbed her back and then sat her on the toilet seat after she flushed it and closed the lid. She then gave her a pregnancy test and then walked out. Daisy looked at it in realization before going to the bathroom. Once she finished, she sat in their for five minutes. A knock on the door was heard making her jump. "Daisy! You alright?" Derek asks as the device beeped showing pregnant. She gasped to herself and covered her mouth as tears came down her face. Derek knocked on the door again and then tried to open the door only for it to be locked. He frowned confused and waited outside. Daisy was feeling so many emotions at once. She sighed knowing he had to know and opened the door. He looked at her with concern and worry before looking down at the thing in her hand. He looked at her with shock, before looking down at the device again. "Are you-?" Derek started and Daisy nodded and waited for his response or to see any emotions on his face. He smiled and picked her up in a hug before moving back out of the doorway to spin her around. She giggled in relief that he wasn't upset before putting her lips to his.

 She giggled in relief that he wasn't upset before putting her lips to his

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2265 words

Two teams in One/ CM&AOS crossover fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora