Inevitably, the lift doors open and I follow Seojun and Mina across the lobby to the dining area. Immediately they break off from me, with each other, to find some of the dancers to mingle with. I am left right out in the open in front of everyone. Slowly, my eyes scan the room full of people and I have nearly every male's attention directed at me with looks of either shock or seduction. However, I don't see Jungkook or Jimin anywhere, not even behind the clusters of people dotted around the vast room. Letting out a deep breath, my nerves are already calmed and I head toward the bar that already has several people lingering there.

Taking up a space at the bar, I wait patiently for one of the bartenders to become free when I feel a body move up beside me. Turning to the person, I see it's Chris who has a smirk tucked at the corner of his lips.

"You look gorgeous," he husks to which I smile.

"Thank you," I replied cheekily, "you don't look too bad yourself."

Chris' attire consists of black pants and black dress shoes, but his tight dress shirt is a gleaming white with the first three buttons undone to show off the skin across his chest underneath.

"I was meant to ask you earlier today if you have a boyfriend," he says, "I wanted to ask if you would like to join me on a date tomorrow."

In a surprise, my mouth opens and my eyes widen. This must be the first time in about two years that a man has taken that much interest in me even if I've only known Chris for several hours.

"What did you have in mind?" I ask with a smirk.

Chris bites his lip and his eyes run down my form before they meet my eyes again, lust and hunger reside in his blue eyes.

"For you," he husks taking a step closer to me and placing his hand gently onto my waist, "a beautiful dinner before I take you to a place that has the most stunning view of the city."

Sounds pretty romantic if you ask me.

The smirk at the corner of my lips deepens at his suggestion before I bite my lip. Despite that I am free to choose who I date, a particular man crosses my mind that discourages me from accepting the offer, but then I remember he's already moved on, wrapping himself in the sheets with another woman.

Opening my mouth to accept the offer, I feel the sudden burn of someone's stare from across the room. Glancing at Chris, my eyes furrow before my attention is taken to scan the other side of the room. No one immediately catches my attention, but just before I go to turn my attention back to Chris, I lock eyes with Jungkook who is standing with Jimin and a few of the staff members.

His intense stare bores deep into my skin, his eyebrows are furrowed deeply and his jaw is tight with tension. I take a second to see that he's wearing black dress pants and shoes as well, however, unlike Chris, he's wearing a black turtle neck with a simple chain hanging around the exterior of the clothing; his hair is styled to have the right side pushed back while his fringe hangs beautifully on his forehead with a slight curve allowing it to stand.

For a moment, my breath catches in my throat before my attention is taken by Chris' lips near my ear.

"Is something wrong?" He asks quietly.

"N-no," I stutter back to him before completely turning my back to Jungkook and proceeding to desperately catch a bartender's attention.

I need a drink, now.

"Are you sure?" Chris asks worriedly, "you seem a bit flustered."

Trying to pull a genuine smile, I look up to Chris with a slight shake of my head.

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