"Well it's nice to meet you guys!" I said, honestly ready to get away from these boys.

Particularly Wesley, more or less.

"Wait are you from the UK?" Drew asked, referring to my accent. I shrugged, a small smile forming in my lips.

"Yeah, Scotland." I replied, Drew nodded and awkwardly looked away.

Then the tension almost everyone has lived, the most awkward of all times for meeting new people, the thing almost everyone dreads,

awkward silence.

"Well I'm bored" I quickly turned around, poking Simons chest. He rolled his eyes, then smiled.

"Your soccer ball is in my trailer. I remember you left it here last year. Go play with that!" He said trying to shoo me away. I chuckled, shaking my head.

They probably had work to finish.

Simon quickly took his phone out, typing something vigorously into the text bar.

"Well, alright fine." I said making my way to the trailer. Passing by my dad, I gave him a wave, signaling that I'd be outside.

The walk wasn't too far from where I had been with Simon and that Emblem Three group.

Honestly, they weren't too bad, sure Wesley was a bit over himself, but Drew and Keaton seemed chill.

Finally reaching Simon's trailer, I opened the door and walked into the living area. I scoped my surroundings, the sofa had been in the middle of the room, along with a long foot rest in front of it.

The ball must be in a closet or something.

I made my way to the closet at the end of the small hallway and tried opening it, but failed as I realized it was locked.

Alright why lock a coat closet, really?

As I was searching around more, a loud noise was heard from the opposite of the room.

That's weird, I'm the only one in here.

I turned around and nothing was there. Except now, the closest that was once closed was now opened, just a little bit. I walked over to the closet, but when I was in front of it, the closet door slammed closed. I jumped back.

Someone's here.

I made my way back over to the closet and tried opening it. I succeeded on opening it up a little, but it was pulled right back shut when I thought I had my way with opening it.

Someone was pulling in it from the inside.

"Hello? Who's there?" I asked, a little scared.

A little scared? Someone is hiding in the fucking closet!

Then, me being the dumb person I am, I knocked.

"Come on out, I won't hurt you...if you don't hurt me." My voice trembled.

No answer.

Fuck, I suck at negotiating.

"Seriously. This isn't funny." I sighed, walking over to the couch and taking a seat, instantly getting up when I heard shuffling from behind it. I slowly walked over and looked behind the large futon.

To my surprise, one recognizable boy had been squished between the wall and the back of the couch.

"Liam?" I asked, basically refraining myself from running into him for a hug, being too caught up in why he had been here in the first place.

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