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"We have to get out of here, Tommy. We need to run away, make a plan." Wilbur told his brother, terrified, but still somewhat calm.

"Yeah, but how will we do that? We might get caught" Tommy was also terrified, though he wasn't as good as hiding it as Wilbur was.

"We can talk about it with Techno." Wilbur suggested to talk to his friend that lived across the street "We can talk at the park next to «street name»."

"Wilbur, I'm scared..." Tommy started to tear up, he was only seven, he didn't want to be scared.

Wilbur engulfed his younger brother in his arms "it's okay Tommy, we'll get through this together. I love you" he heard a small sob and an "I love you too" from the boy next to him. After a while they fell asleep in each other's arms.


Wilburs POV:

I woke up with Tommy cuddled up to me, he's so innocent, he doesn't deserve this. I decided we need to get away from our mother... no they aren't our parents, from ____ as soon as we can.

Fath- Dream and _____ don't care if we go out or when just that we leave a note and we're back before 21:00, 22:00 on weekends.

That rule may make it sound like they care, but the only reason they have it is so they don't get in trouble. Before they gave us a curfew, we stayed out untill about midnight one time. A police officer asked us if we were lost. We weren't so I said no, but I was quickly reminded that six and seven year olds aren't supposed to be playing alone in a park, let alone in the middle of the night. When the police officer returned us to them, saying he was worried, Dream and _____ maded a rule for us so they don't get arrested.

I checked my alarm clock. It's 7:27. We actually slept the whole night? It's been a while since we've both done that. 7:30 is still early, so I let Tommy sleep.

I tip toed down the stairs quietly as not to wake up my paren- legal guardians. Its too early for them to be up yet, they're always up at 9:00.


369 words

I just wanna get this published bro 💀

"Devil Town" // A Tommyinnit AngstWhere stories live. Discover now