The Sacrifical Lamb

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•••Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, 1942

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Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, 1942

Torrance Juniper had one destiny. And that was to die.

When she was born, her parents knew there was something wrong with her. She wasn't like anyone in their family. When everyone was born with Jet black hair, hers was made of gold, dark chestnut eyes, she had ocean blue. And when everyone for years was sorted into Slytherin, she made her way into Ravenclaw.

There was something different from her, and it wasn't just her physical attributes. She had something special about her. Anytime she stepped outside, it was as if she had called the birds around her.

Particularly Ravens.

No one could make any sense of it. Why were they so infatuated with this girl? It wasn't as if she had done anything. It got particularly worse on her fifteenth birthday. The birds didn't just stop and stare at her. They followed.

And then they attacked.

It happened everyday. Anytime she needed to get to class, she ran for her life. It would be a miracle if she had been pecked at or scratched twice.

But then there was the incident.

Everyone knew how gullible Torrance was. A few of her housemates had sent her out after hours, telling her that someone was meeting her there.

No one was.

It was night, and no one thought the birds would be out.

But they were.

She went out by herself, and made it far enough no one would be able to hear her screams. Then the birds attacked. They scratched and pecked at her skin. They clawed at her eyes and her hair. They had knocked her down to the ground and began to drag her into the forest.

She was sure she was going to die.

Until he saved her.

Tom Riddle knew what the Ravenclaws had planned for Torrance Juniper. A part of him respected it, but a part of him found it cowardly. Then there was a slight bit of pity.

He followed her that night. Everyday he watched her, saw how the birds followed her every step. He was intrigued.

But when they were about to kill her, he needed to intercept. He wanted to know more. He casted a spell, and every bird within the mile had dropped dead.

And she saw him standing over her, hand held out.

Torrance forever felt in his debt, and would do anything he ever wanted her to do.

And he used that to his advantage.

TORRANCE RAINA JUNIPERportrayed by: jessica alexanderxv

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portrayed by: jessica alexander
xv. taurus. ravenclaw
"The Sacrificial Lamb"

&&& . . .   ( FEATURING )
TOM RIDDLE.   benjamin wadsworth
IVY DANE.   daisy edgar jones
OPAL LOUGHTY.   whitney peak
GENYA JUNIPER.   sarah pigeon
LOCHLAN JUNIPER.   jack mulhern

( best read in white )

The Sacrificial Lamb, Tom Riddle Where stories live. Discover now