Chapter 7

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Y/n was at school then saw Charl and surprises her like she did to Y/n.

By cover her eyes and Charl guessing it was Y/n.

Y/n and Charl smile at each other

Then a window caused by Jiiya, Charl's butler.

Y/n hears his girlfriend telling Jiiya that she and him are beloved causing Jiiya to be shocked in result of being chased

After fleeing, Y/n and Charl were able to escape and catch their breath

Charl: *gasp*

Y/n: What's wrong?

Charl: it's nothing, I think I twisted my ankle a little.

Y/n: Ah, sorry

Charl: No, it's not your fault.

Charl: Ah!

(Imagine Teppi is you)

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(Imagine Teppi is you)

Y/n: Let's go to the infirmary?

Charl: Y/n...

Then Y/n carries her to the infirmary.

After getting her ankle band-aid up. Roses pedals were falling from the sky Y/n and Charl went outside and saw a zeppelin dropping the pedals and a guy parachuting in.

Then he lands in front of Charl and Y/n

Then he lands in front of Charl and Y/n

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Y/n hears his name from Sylvia

Sylvia: Hartmann Bezelheim. A businessman from Hazelrink Principality

Hartmann: Charlotte!

Then he approach her and kiss her hand which Y/n anger deep down

What's shock him even more that he was Charl's fiancé.

As the day end, Y/n saw how Charl was worried.

Then he asked her out at the hotel suite to have dinner which made her happy.

Y/n had a bad feeling about this Hartmann person.

So he was getting ready for some action.


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