Chapter 1

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"Time to wake up dearest," Veronica Wilson calls as she goes into her daughter's room to hasten her along. "Mama, is it truly necessary that I must participate this season? Give me another year," Addison pleaded with her mother as she sat at the end of her bed already awake. "Your father and I have already made our decision on the matter you are to go into this season and hopefully be married by the end of it," Veronica says.

"I don't understand why can't I wait another year. I don't wish to be married," Addison says as she gets up towards the window. "My dear you have to get married and then you will have children with your husband and have your own family," Veronica says. "And what if I don't want a family of my own do you even think about the things I want in my life. I want to travel around the world, get out of the city, go to the countryside and live my days happily and not into a forced marriage," Addison says. "You won't be in a forced marriage if you pick out your husband and actually participate," Veronica says to her daughter as the maids come in to help her get ready. "And if I don't find myself a husband then what mama?" Addison questions her mother. "Then your father will make an arrangement with an old friend if he must," Veronica says as she leaves the bedroom for her daughter to get ready.

"Let's get a move on, we can't be late," Viscount Henry says as Veronic comes down the stairs slowly and walks to the carriage without another word. While her two older brothers go into their own carriage with their father as Veronica goes into the one with Addison with her youngest daughter Isabella.

"Daphne," Addison says as she walks up to Daphne Bridgerton to get away from her family. "Addison can't you believe it, we are finally here." Daphne says smiling. "Yes we are but only one of us shall be married this season and it won't be me," Addison says as she hugs daphne. "Well you must get married as well we've talked about this," Daphne says. "Oh I know we have," Addison says as Anthony Bridgerton comes up from behind her. "Anthony, you are here," Daphne says as she spots her oldest brother. "Of course I wouldn't miss it. Miss Wilson lovely to see you," Anthony says to Addison. "And you Lord Bridgerton," Addison says as her oldest brother Tom comes up. "Ready to go in sister," Tom says before nodding to Daphne and anthony. "I suppose so," Addison says as she interlocks her arm with her brother and walks in with Daphne and Anthony.

"Mama we could still leave," I whisper as she walks around me. "You know we can't dearest, everything will be fine. And soon the young ladies are starting to be called. "Miss Prudence Featherington, Miss Philippa Featherington, and Miss Penelope Featherington...all presented by their mother the right honourable Lady featherinton," The announcer says as the three misses try to all go at once and get stuck at the entrance with Lady Featherington behind. "Mother, did you see what the queen just did? This will be a disaster," Addison says as she starts to freak out. "Everything will be okay you'll see," Veronica says. "Miss Addison Vilson presented by her mother the Right Honourable Viscountess Wilson," The announcer says as the doors open. Addison starts to walk looking straight ahead at the queen and once she meets the end does a deep cutrsie and waits. The queen stands from her chair and walks over to Addison. "Beautiful my dear," The Queen says as she lifts Addison's head up and kisses her forehead. Addison backs up and cutises again and walks out taking a glance at her family standing next to the Bridgertons and makes contact with Anthony for a moment before she goes back behind closed doors.

"See you did amazing darling," Veronica says. "Oh yes now what the queen is watching both me and daphne when the Queen doesn't even realise I have to wish to marry," Addison says. "Listen I know this isn't what you want but you will find a man and fall in love and then you can have your own family," Veronica says. "Well I think you look beautiful sister," Isabella says as she stares at her older sister. "Thank you Isabella," Addison says. "We have a ball this evening don't forget," Veronica says as they walk back into the house. "How could I?" Addison says as she goes to the library.

"Brother promise you won't let anyone dance with me," Addison says as she walks inside with her arm interlocking with Tom's. "Dear sister, mother would kill me if that were to happen besides they are giving you the chance to find someone if you don't they will arrange for you to be married," Tom says. "I know," Addison mumbles."Look there are the Bridgertons let's go say hello," Tom says as he drags Addison over to them. "Hello Daphne," Addison says as she meets with her. "Addison you did amazing, I couldn't find you after," Daphne says. "Yes, well Addison fled right after wanting to go home," Tom says smirking as Addison glares at her older brother. "Well let's find someone to dance with you tonight," Daphne says smiling at Addison as she gives a fake smile back. Soon some suitors come up to them talking with Daphne. "Let's take a turn around the room," Tom says as we begin to walk away as I look back at the Bridgertons as Anthony and I make eye contact once again. Many suitors have come up to speak with Addison but Tom has pushed them all away. "Are you sure you as well don't want me to marry brother?" Addison questions. "When you do marry I want you to marry someone who is good enough for you," Tom says. "Wonderful," Addison says smiling. "Oh look there is Benedict and Colin," Tom says as he drags me over,''''Hello Benedict, Colin," Addison says smiling at the two. "Well it's so good to see you, we were just looking for our siblings to join us?" Questioned Benedict as we make our way to find Daphne and Anthony. "Anthony!" Benedict calls aa we walk in front of them. "On guard, Anthony says as the boys begin to move away. "I've already noted you," Lady Danbury says. "Lady Danbury, the boys say as we all bow to her. Miss Bridgerton Miss wilson I haven't seen you yet on the dance floor," Lady Danbury says. "In due time Lady Danbury," Tom says smiling as I unlock my arm with Tom and lock mine with Daphne. "You poor thing," Lady Danbury says as she walks past us. "I'm quite parched," Daphne says to Anthony. "I shall get you a glass of lemonade," Anthony says. "No you've done so much for me already," Daphne says as she leaves Anthony and I. "So how are you Addison?" Anthony questions. "Well beside the fact that my folks are making me marry, I am fine," Addison says. "Oh really," Anthony says. "Yes, you've heard of how my father is doing, I don't wish to have to see that for when I'm forced to marry if I don't find someone then my father will before he passes," Addison says looking down. "I've heard about your father. I am truly sorry," Anthony says. "Thank you Anthony I just don't like to bring it up," Addison says as we walk around to find Daphne. "I'm going to find my brother," I tell Anthony. " Do you wish for me to escort you?" Antony asks. "There's no need to see him now good night Anthony," Addison says. "Good night," Anthony says as he watches Addison walk away to her brother and see the two talking.

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