The Fight, A Peptalk, and a Second Chance

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Mackenzie's punch signaled war to Lucky. He struck back with a punch of his own. Mackenzie had tried to stay cool but he couldn't let Lucky talk about Bluey that way. Lucky could go on about Mackenzie without bothering him, but when he talked about Bluey it filled him with rage. Determined to never let it happen again, Mackenzie was winning until Lucky landed a few punches and gained momentum.

Mackenzie: "I don't want anyone getting hurt"

Lucky: " You started this fight so you have to end it"

Bluey heard the fight from inside her house and she ran outside to see what was going on.

Mackenzie: "Well then let's end it now"

Mackenzie and Lucky wrestled while trying to punch each other. Finally Mackenzie landed the perfect throw knocking Lucky down. This allowed Mackenzie to pin him down.

Mackenzie: "I could hurt you more but I think this is where it ends"

Lucky: "Whatever"

Mackenzie: "And if you ever talk about Bluey Christine Heeler like that again I will once again beat you up"

Mackenzie then let's Lucky go and he turns around to see Bluey standing there having watched the whole thing.

Mackenzie: " Bluey"

Bluey: "That was impressive! Can you be my bodyguard?"

Mackenzie laughs

Mackenzie: "Did you see the whole thing?"

Bluey: "Some of it"

Mackenzie: "Oh, I didn't even know you were there"

Bluey: "Why were you fighting? I heard my name"

Mackenzie: "Well Lucky was mad at me because our touch game was tod..."

Bluey: "Mackenzie! You skipped your touch game?"

Mackenzie: "Yeah. You needed me more important than that game needed me"

Bluey: "Wow Mackenzie"

Mackenzie: "And so anyway, he was mad and he started saying stupid stuff about you, saying that you were dumb so I beat him up"

Bluey: "Really?"

Mackenzie: "Yeah, he called you a 'stupid girl' and he said that you are pretending to like me because you are trying to make me look like an idiot"

Bluey: "And then you beat him up?"

Mackenzie: "Yeah"

Bluey: "You totally whipped him. I knew you were strong but I didn't know you could do that to Lucky"

Mackenzie: "Well, I better get back home"

As Mackenzie was leaving he heard Bluey

Bluey: "Wait Mackenzie"

Mackenzie: "Yes"

Bluey: " Did you really skip your touch game to come over?"

Mackenzie: "Yeah"

Bluey: "And you beat up your best friend because he called me stupid?"

Mackenzie: "Also yeah"

Bluey: "I just have no words"

Then she did the thing that Mackenzie hated and she messed up his hair

Mackenzie may hate it, but it gave him major butterflies

Mackenzie: "What do you hate that I can do to you because you do that to me all the time"

Bluey: "I'm not telling"

Mackenzie: "Well at least I know there is something"

Bluey: "You'll never know"

Mackenzie: "I will, cya later"


Lucky was not happy about losing to Mackenzie. If he had just been there maybe they would have won.

Pat: "What happened to you?"

Lucky: "Got into a fight"

Pat: "With who?"

Lucky: "Mackenzie"

Pat: "Did you win?"

Lucky: "No! I can't win today"

Pat: "Yeah that was a hard loss"

Lucky: "We would have won if Mackenzie was there"

Pat: "Well why did you fight him?"

Lucky: "He fought me"

Pat: "Lucky what did you do?"

Lucky: "I was and still am mad at him because he skipped our game to be with a girl and I called him out. He got mad"

Pat: "He must like her, he beat you up"

Lucky: "He's the one who needs to get beat up for costing his team the game"

Pat: "Lucky, sports isn't everything. I've noticed that you've become more aggressive lately especially towards your mum. You've got to get it together"

Maybe his dad was talking some sense but he was wrong about one thing. Sports are everything to Lucky. The only thing that might mean more to him would be winning. And he liked losing just as much as Mackenzie likes Bluey messing with his hair. He just couldn't believe that Mackenzie would give up his team for a girl. That's how he saw it anyway.

Mackenzie thought about the moment in the night. Lucky was one of his best friends but he deserved it because of what he said. Bluey was his neighbor so how could he say those things about her? Anyway he would drown out these thoughts with some NBA2K.

Mackenzie was quick to apologize to Lucky but despite his father's pep talk, Lucky wouldn't make up with Mackenzie. What was even worse was that Lucky and Mackenzie were paired together for a big project that would require a lot of teamwork. They also had a huge math test that neither of them wanted to study for.

At least for Mackenzie, basketball would be starting and he was excited. He was good at touch and basketball but he enjoyed basketball more. He loved everything about it, the sounds of the net swishing or shoes squeaking, playing with his friends, shooting crazy shots, and just watching the game. He had always loved the Brisbane Bullets and he couldn't wait to go to a game. He always wanted to play basketball when he grew up but over time he matured and realized that it was unrealistic and he could do a more realistic job like being an archeologist like Bluey's dad.

Also with Mackenzie, he was starting to become more popular. Other students from different grades would come up to him including people he had never met. Part of this was because of his rise as a sports star for the school and more recently he had gained attention for beating up Lucky. Mackenzie wasn't sure that he liked the extra attention though. He just wished that he could make it up to Lucky. Maybe if he did good on the project Lucky would forgive him.

As for Bluey, she felt that she had been the problem because she kept Mackenzie from going to the game. She wished that Mackenzie had told the truth but at the same time she appreciated that Mackenzie picked her over the game. At least now Bingo was recovering and was set to return home soon so those horrible thoughts of losing her sister started to go away. One thing she didn't appreciate was that because of Mackenzie's new found popularity, random people came up to her asking about the fight or referring to her as "Mackenzie's girlfriend" which was a title that was not true. For now. But she had a math test to study for and she did it by herself because she didn't want to bother Mackenzie after what he had already done. Mackenzie also studied alone and he struggled constantly asking the air for help with a question and then remembering that no one was there. He had to get his mind together and he needed to get his head in the game if he was to succeed in reconnecting with Lucky and dominating the court.

Big Kid School 2: Sophomore Year (Bluey Fan Fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon