All interest he may have had in the blonde bimbo in front of him faded faster than a match and he pushed her aside, making his way towards the dark haired beauty.

He noticed that she was talking to a girl below him and watching intently as the girl standing on the floor quickly lost her patience and gathered up her things, leaving the dark haired girl alone, who now stood on the ground, swaying her body sensually.

Austin watched carefully as she joined the massive crowd and joined the festivities. He touched his drink to his lips and stared as her incredible butt moved in circles. She  held so much more intrigue than the girl he had been previously trying to hit on.

Austin couldn't help but decide that she was perfect. Perfect to play the part, perfect enough to be exactly what he wanted her to be. All he had to do was woo her and hopefully things will go as planned.

Finishing his drink in one swallow, Austin set the glass on an empty table and casually walked through the mass of moving bodies to step up next to the dark haired girl. He began to dance around her, moving his own body to the music.

A few guys were up close to her, grinding against her, but Austin could tell that she was too intoxicated to notice what was going on. Austin stepped up, grabbed her arm and tugged her away from the vulture men, who were also too drunk to notice what was going on.

"Hey!" Her voice was slightly high pitched but had a beautiful lilt to it that had Austin running his toungue over his lips.

He spun her around and soon they found a rythym that worked for the both of them. Austin had never danced with a girl that was so sure of herself, so open and beautiful. She was captivating. As Austin leaned in, the girl's legs began to shake a little, most likely due to a large amount of alcohol consumption.

"What's your name?" Austin asked, getting closer into her personal space and dancing with her sensually, showing her how talented he was.

"Mackie." She said back. Austin smiled, his mind playing with the name easily. Mackie. It caressed his toungue lovingly, as if the name was meant to roll off of his toungue. He spun her around again and they continued their dance.

Mackie was beautiful, and Austin knew he'd found the perfect girl. She would go along with it. She was exactly what he was looking for.

"Mackie, do you want to get out of here?" He asked. Mackie nodded eagerly, although her dialated pupils showed that she was incredibly unaware of her surroundings. Perfect, Austin thought, tugging her through the crowd towards the exit.

Everything was being set into motion. Everything would be alright.


Skylar was walking down the strip of Las Vegas, rubbing her arms out of worry. It was warm outside, with a gentle cool breeze that gently wrapped around her body, cooling the warmth that was caused by the desert heat.

Skylar was beating herself up inside, wondering what the hell she was thinking when she left Mackie at the Cosmo. She was intoxicated and unaware of everything around her, and out of her anger, Skylar left her all by herself.

Vulnerable. Alone. No idea how to get back to the hotel. Some friend she was. Skylar face palmed herself as she turned down the car park. She entered the Cosmo and made her way towards the elevator pushing the button that would allow her to go back upstairs to the top floor where she assumed Mackie was.

When the elevator came to a stop, Skylar still hadn't forgiven herself for abandoning her incapacitated best friend to fend for herself against drunken men and the dangers of travelling while doing so. The music thumped the entire floor as she enterred.

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