Chapter 1:A day with Six

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Mono's POV

- Gasp- I wake up immediately welcomed by Six "good morning sleepy head~" She says tauntingly. I give her a Kiss on the four head "HEY DON'T DO THAT" she yells in a embarrassed tone  -/////- I chuckle "heh sure Six" I climb down the ladder of our bed. Six goes down the ladder after I get down. "Come on Six I smell  food!" I say "Ooh food!" She quickly respond's That's Six for ya always hungry.Six runs towards the kitchen"Wait for me Six!" I shout as I follow Six into the kitchen."hm seems like Seven and Five are making food"  Six says. "What do you think there making?" I reply "probably toast!" Six says excitingly. I approach Seven and Five. "What are you guys making?" I ask questingly "Toast" Seven and Five respond. "KNEW IT!!!" shouts Six. "Ow my ears" Seven say's in a mumble "oops sorry" Six mumbles. It's okay Five,Seven,And I say. Me and Six walk to the toaster to collect our toast  we grab a plate and accidentally touch each others hand "oops sorry" I say. "It's okay" Six quickly responds we both let out a nervous chuckle as we go to sit at the table.I put my plate where I usually sit at the end of the table towards the plant at the back of the living room. I realize I am quenching the thirst so I get up and start walking back to the kitchen "hey Mono can you get me a coke while your at the refrigerator please?" Six ask's "Sure" I respond. I calmly walk over to the refrigerator and open it I grab a bottle of milk and a bottle of Coke I close the refrigerator with my left foot. I Walk over to Six and hand her the Coke she requested. "Thanks Mono!! ^^"  She says in a exited tone as she smiles I walk over to my seat and open the bottle of Milk then I carefully place it on the table then I sit down on the chair and start chowing down on the peace's of Toast.then I reach for the  bottle of Milk and take a sip "hey Seven" Five says "yea?" Seven says with a mouthful of bread. "Apparently there's gonna be a School dance next month!" I look up and ask "So like a prom?" "Yea pretty much" Five responds I think to myself (Maybe I could ask Six out to the prom . . . .But what if  she says no? It's a risk I will have to take but I'm not gonna do that now . . . Maybe a week before prom) I pull my Phone out of my pocket and scroll on R/Littlenightmares for what feels to be hours when in reality its like 5 minutes at least. "Mono!" Six says trying to get my attention. "Yea Six?" I say as I look up from my phone to look at her face. "You done eating yet?" She ask's I look down at my plate and only see a few crumbs and then I look at my bottle of milk seeing it empty. "Yea I guess" I respond. Great! Six grabs the plate and the bottle of empty Milk and then carefully she walks over to the dishwasher and then puts the plate in it and carefully placed the bottle of milk in the trash. She walks over to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek "So what ya wanna do?" She ask's questingly "I'm honestly down for anything" I say."So you wouldn't mind if we cuddle~" she says In a tauntingly voice "Sure?" I say In a confused tone "Great!"Six say's in excitement we walk towards the couch to sit down and cuddle "Hey Mono and Six Me and Five are gonna go to the mall to go get stuff so we will see you guys in a bit okay?" Seven say's ."Okay!" Me and Six Say as they both walk towards the door. I look at Six noticing on how she is laying on me. I let out a blush.Six immediately noticing the blush she ask's "What you embarrassed?" No just not used to this yet I quickly respond. "Sure" Six says in a sarcastic tone. I look away trying to find the TV remote to the I eventually find the Tv remote. I turn on me and Six's favorite TV show.It's a Show where people compete to make a cake that looks like ordinary objects! it's fun to us because even though we watch the people make the cake we still guess because we find it fun for some reason.As we are watching our TV show we get a knock on the door I get up to answer it.I open the door to some person with red-ish hair "Hi my name is Alex I am wondering if Six lives here?" Yes Six lives here do you need her?" I respond "oh I- I need to give her something" he looks down at the floor  I could give it to her if you want? "Yes please" he say's as he gives me a note with a bunch of hearts on it . . . It is a confession letter I realize . . . I look at him dead in the eye "she's already taken bud" I say in a annoyed tone. "-o-Oh I- I'm sorry"  he says in a nervous voice as he looks down at the ground a tear falls down from his cheek. "Sorry dude" . . . I say as I slowly close the door  "who was that?" Six asks in a confused tone. "Some guy" I say camly as I sit down on the couch Six gets back into position again. We continue to watch the TV show (Six is Mine and will always be mine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .No matter what . . .she will always be MINE :) ) 

The Mono and Six comic #1Where stories live. Discover now