Josuke x reader group pocky

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I just read a horrible pocky fanfic, and I felt evil, so I'm doing this as well. Hopefully, it's not as bad.


You, Okuyasu, Josuke, Koichi, and Yukako currently sat in a circle, the circle goes like this; first is Okuyasu, then Koichi, you, Josuke, and finally Yukako. "As you all know, it's my turn to pick a sleepover activity, and since Yukako felt like such a sadist tonight. We're all playing this game." You pulled out a box of Pocky and smirked at everyone's embarrassed faces. "Of course, you can all chicken out if you feel like it." "Yeah, but then we'd have to wear 'the cone of party pooper'!" Okuyasu exclaims, pointing at the demonic hat decorated to look like the poop emoji. "So, are you tempted by the beauty of the hat? Or would you like to play?" a moment of silence shows no objection, and thus the game begins.  

"You all know the rules of this game, yes?" Yukako, Koichi, Josuke and Okuyasu nod their heads "Great! Now, who'd like to go first?" ..... "F-fine, I'll go first" Okuyasu raises his hand. "Okay, let's all pull straws, and whoever gets the number Okuyasu picks has to play with him." "You better not pick Koichi." Yukako glares at us all. "It's not like he's going to kiss any of us if that's what you're thinking." Josuke waves her off as you pass everyone a stick. "Um.... number five." "That's me. Let's get this over with." Yukako plainly states and grabs a pocky from the box, putting it into her mouth. You all stare at the two until Okuyasu finally leans in and takes a bite. However, as soon as Yuakko does the same, he pulls away, leaving her as the winner. Okuyasu hides his face in his hands and silently screams; Josuke pats him on his back, "Your breath stinks, by the way."

"Well, that was short" you glance at Koichi, seeing that he's also a blushing mess. "Wow, you're really flustered!" you lean over and pat Okuyasus back, giggling a little. "Okay, when you're ready, Koichi's next." The five of you grab sticks at random "N-number four." Koichi says nervously, "That's me." Okuyasu sits up and smirks at Koichi. 'He's definitely gonna pull away as soon as possible, so I'll win immediately!' 'Seeing as how Okuyasu just reacted, he'll definitely pull away before he takes a second bite, so I should go all out!' both of them, expecting the other to chicken out immediately, only leads to one inevitable conclusion. They both kiss. As soon as Okuasu puts the pocky in his mouth, Koichi leans in with determination he didn't show before. This takes Okuyasu back a moment, but he soon takes the first bite. Not a moment after does Koichi do the same; they both bite at the stick, making quick work of it, not noticing how close they are until it's too late. They kiss then jump back in surprise, both landing on the opposite wall. Yukako is the first to react; she pulls Okuasu up and threatens to rip his dick off if he ever lays another finger on her boyfriend. You and Josuke stare at the scene unfold until he tries to calm her down.

"So uhh... since Koichi just went, that leaves me." You state and hold out the sticks. Everyone grabs one and looks at the number, "mmm... Let's do... number three." "Argh, again?!" Yukako shows you her number, "I'll warn you, you should know I'm not backing out." you hand her a pocky as she glares at you. She puts the pocky in her mouth. You wrap your lips around the stick and begin biting, returning her glare. The two of you take a slower pace than Okuyasu and Koichi do but show just as much determination to win. However, at the last moment, before your lips meet, she pulls away aggressively, quickly sending you backwards against the wall "Agh!" you almost hit your head but catch yourself. You turn to Yukako to see her blushing a slite shade of pink, still not removing her glare. You sigh.

"Okay, it's your turn next, Josuke." you turn your head towards him to give him the sticks, only to be met with a blank stare. "Are you okay?" "Ah- I'm good. Thank you." he suddenly blushes and takes the sticks from you, turning away quickly. 'He doesn't even know I like guys, so there's no way... right?' everyone picks a stick quickly, "Since we're going down, I'll choose two." everyone looks at their sticks. Your heart suddenly beats into your throat as you read your number. "Th-that's... me." fuck, was this really happening? AH! You picked the damn game, so there's no going back now! Pulling the most natural face you can while keeping your head low, you look up at Josuke as he takes a pocky from Koichi.  "Are you ready?" he looks at your now confident figure as you reply yes. Leaning in, you take a bite from the pocky and look into his eyes, your composure failing for a moment, and he glances back. You snap out of it and take a bite, hoping no one else noticed. He takes a bite as well but stops as you quicken the pace, only a moment before your lips would meet. He pulls away gently, leaving you to be the victor. 

You squint your eyes shut and turn to the others, smirking victoriously. "I guess no one can beat me, huh?" They're all silent for a few moments. Your smile falters, and you sneak a glance at Josuke. He's bent over, covering his mouth with his hands, and blushing furiously. He glances at you, and heat rises to your cheeks as the two of you make eye contact. "Aha..."

After that, the five of you decided to call it quits, and you all went to bed. Since you were all at  Okuyasus house, you put your sleeping bags in his room. "Where's the bathroom? I've gotta brush my teeth." "I've also got to brush my teeth. I'll show you where it is." Josuke offers you. You pause for a moment and accept his offer. He soon shows you to the bathroom. "Thanks, Josuke." "No problem Y/N." "Wanna go first?"  he offers. "Sure, thanks." you put some toothpaste on your brush and rinse it under the sink. "Ah, hold up." he grabs your chin and puts his hand on your cheek. "J-Josuke?" he looks into your eyes for a moment and blushes, looking down but still holding onto your face. Then he wipes something off your cheek. "Y-you uh, had some chocolate from.... earlier." "Oh." awkward silence fills the room before you quickly turn to the sink and brush your teeth. "You can go now." you say calmly, "Huh?" "You want to brush your teeth, right?" you point to his hand where he's holding his toothpaste and toothbrush. "Right!" you step out of the way as he walks over to the sink. You carefully watch his movements, noticing his hands are shaking slightly. Once he's finished, he puts the cap back on and looks at you briefly before moving towards the door. You stop him. "Hey... about just now..." you blush slightly as you lean against the doorframe. "What do you mean?" he looks nervously at you, glances at the hallway, then back at you. You clear your throat, trying to think of something to say, "Listen... I haven't told you this before, but... I'm into guys." he blinks. "I uh... I had a feeling." he nervously brushes his neck. You watch him carefully. "Are you...?" "Huh? Oh! Oh! Um... no, no, no!" he shakes his head and holds out his hands as he says this. An awkward silence engulfs the conversation. You try to think of something to say.

"No yeah, I am. Sorry." he lets his hands fall to his sides in slight fists and glances at you nervously. "I see..." "Well, in that case, I've got a thing for a very specific guy, you, actually." his face grows pinker and pinker. 'Why did I tell him that, you think to yourself. Before you can play it off as a joke, he moves closer to you and pulls you into a hug. "I... like you too," he says in a quiet voice. You wrap your arms around him gently, savoring his words. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2022 ⏰

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