chapter three

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"he's already gotten in once, who knows where he could be now.." jo says as they take a sip of their tea. "why can't he just leave us alone!? why can't he just leave me alone!?" kanao semi-screams in frustration. "we're in this position all because of me..." kanao says as tears start to slowly stream down her face.

"no, no, no... kanao, honey, non of this is your fault. you had no control over it. if anything, it's my fault for not finishing what i started." i say as i give vera to jo and pull kanao into a tight embrace. "yeah! and we'll be here to protect you no matter what. we're your knights in shining armor!" jo says with a bright smile as they hug kanao as well.

"mama hapy!" vera says, grabbing kanao's face with a big grin. kanao giggles and places her hands over the darker skinned baby's hands. "mama happy...!" kanao replies with a light smile and loving eyes. "haha alright you guys go hang out in the corpse courtyard. i'll make tea and sandwiches." i say with a smile. kanao and jo nod in agreement and go to get ready.

while i'm making the sandwiches i feel a very familiar and unpleasant presence behind me. "how ya doin, y/n? how's the wives? how's the kid? how's my flower?" kenji asks from our kitchen table, a smirk visible in his tone. "they're good... we were doing amazing before you came back actually." i say, continuing to do what i was doing.

"awwe shame i ruined all the fun.." he says with a fake pout. i feel him closer behind me and tighten my grip on the sharp knife in my hand. i quickly turn around to face him and rest the blade against his throat. "ah how i missed your ugly ass face and annoying voice." i say with a fake smile. i pull his head back to expose his neck more.

he puts his hands up in a surrendering manner. "woah..! hey, hey, hey man... i just came to talk about the woman we both have interest in... and maybe the kid too" he says with a smirk. i push the blade into his neck more and droplets of blood start coming out. "ahh that hurts y/n..!" he says, trying to get away from my grasp.

"you lay a hand on either of them and i'll kill you with my bare fucking hands. just like i shouldve 10 years ago." i say with a threatening tone. "yeahh... but ya didn't!" he says with a smirk back on his face. "buh-bye y/n~! i'll see you soon~! and maybe i'll get to see her too~" he says with a wink and jumps out the window.

"FUCK! WE WERE FINALLY HAPPY!" i yell out of anger and frustration. i stab the knife back into the wood chopping board and cover my face with my hands. i take a few deep breaths and manage to calm myself down before the problem worsens and pack the sandwiches and tea in a basket.

i walk to the courtyard with a fake smile plastered on my face and try to pretend nothing happened. i see muichiro and kiriya playing with vera. the two boys start arguing over a toy and vera just watched them with extreme confusion.

"no, no, no! no fight! shaaaaare! share!" vera says in her high pitched voice as she try's to stop the two males that are in their twenties from arguing. "yeah! you two are like twenty! act like it!" i yell. the mint eyed boy looks up and his face immediately lights up. "Y/N!!" he shouts as he runs up and hugs me tightly.

"hi mui! how are you?" i ask as i hug him back. "i'm good! except kiriya won't give the the damn toy." the now taller boy pouts. "mui you are twenty four fucking years old. just take the fucking you from him. be the bigger person." i say, patting him on the shoulder. "hey mini kagaya!" i say, waving at the younger boy. the black haired boy smiles and waves back at me.

i make my way over to the tree that my wives were sitting under. they had a blanket layed out to sit on and we're waiting for me. i set down the picnic basket and lay my head down on joes lap while resting my legs on top of kanao's.

"what's wrong dear? you seem a little on edge.." kanao asks in a concerned voice. "it's nothing.. i'm just a bit tired" i say with a smile. "okay... try and get some rest, okay?" kanao says with a smile and rubs my thigh. "okay.." i reply, snuggling into jo's lap while they run their fingers through my hair.

~dream time~

images of an office flash in my head. a view of a big city. red string connecting pictures. pictures of demons, demon slayers, the hashira including the tsugokus, kenji. a note book, a pencil. the words:

"be cautious
or you'll end up nauseous.
fall for too many tricks
and you get hit by bricks"

playing over and over again.

~no more dream time~

i wake up in a cold sweat. "hey, hey, hey... you're okay... calm down..." kanao says, pushing my hair out of my face. "sit up.. i'll get you some tea..." jo says as they move over towards the basket and pull out the bottle of tea.

after i calm down, jo and kanao explain how i was tossing and turning really bad and started sweating a lot. i tell them about my dream and worry laces their faces once again. "y/n... what if they're trying to warn us..? what if they know what he's up to and they're trying to help us..?" jo says.

"i don't know... what if he's working with him and is just trying to lure us farther into his plan... we need to be careful." i say as i rub the back of my neck.

"i just want us to go back to normal..."

a/n~ i have a pretty mapped out idea of how imma end this story... be prepared to cry! but don't worry, i'll make alternate endings 😋
hope you enjoyed! have an amazing day/night lovelies!~

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