chapter 10

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Emilio and Matty was at their discusssing their home over the computer after school as the smiled at each other while Scott vedio chatting Stiles about  his father next case was reported knowing Beacon Hills not normal town they have hellhound werewolf,kitsune,werecoyotes chimeras, so much more they figure out a way to deal with dread doctors. Everyone seem slowly forgetting something about their past as  try seem to remember  Theo must appeared out nowhere since dread doctors came."Missed me."He said all outside gather around dread doctors would take Stiles and  Emilio they both looked at their lovers."You going to forget me okay ."They said unison" I wont I promise i wont." Two males said"remember that I love you."The day passed everyone couldn't remember what they was forgetting was something or someone imporant to them.As Matty running outside  feel he saw something Lydia ran after him  the pack try remember someone they know  was imporant .

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