Choi Soobin 🩹💖 jealousy

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Before you read this I would like to make it clear that I DO NOT hate Arin for Oh My Girl, she's my wife but I put someone for the story to make sense.

You and Soobin had been dating for a year and almost 2 months. It had all been a pleasant time up and a memory you were most fond of, from the moment you had first met you knew you were going to be falling for him. Just everything about him was so perfect to you. His soft hair, his beautiful brown eyes that sparkled in the sun, his euphoric personality, but what you loved most of all was his height. Man oh man did you love how tall he was. Even to other people he was tall, Soobin was 6'1, and you were 4'9 :(. Despite how short you were, Soobin seemed to love you regardless of your short self. You both met as you were both chosen to be MC partners. Ever since then you basically hung out every day and slowly you both fell head over heels for each other and on february 19, 2021 he officially asked you to be his Girlfriend. You happily accepted and you had started dating. Everything was perfect until, She came into the picture. Arin, you and Soobin had been MC partners for about 9 months until it was announced that you were being replaced. Soobin assured you that your relationship wouldn't change and that he wouldn't fall in love with her and even though on the surface you said it was fine, Deep, Deep down you were crushed that he would be hanging out with another girl almost 24/7 and felt that you would be pushed aside but you wouldn't let him know that. You thought that it would be better once you knew who the girl was but it only made you feel worse about yourself when you found out it was Arin for Oh My Girl. Arin was everything you weren't in your head, she was taller, had natural brown hair, and she had gotten along with everyone. At first it didn't bother you that much but over time it got worse. Soobin wouldn't even show up to your dates and when he did he was at least 45 minutes late and always said that he was busy with Arin, and one day it became too much for you. You came by to give him some lunch and while searching you found the door creaked open and inside. Soobin and Arin were sitting on the floor talking so you decided to listen in.

"I just don't get it Soobin. I mean we have so much chemistry and we're basically the same person. "

"That's the thing Arin. I don't want a girl who's just like me, I want her to be different."


"NO i done with you we will always just be friends nothing more."

Suddenly she stands up and lunges at Soobin and kisses him. You are not able to take it when you start balling, unfortunately when you start crying the door opens as you fall on it swings wide open. Soobin pulls Arin off of him and looks over at you to see you crying. Soobin pushes Arin off of him. He runs over to your small crying figure. He picks you up and carries you to his dorm, luckily none of his members were there. He laid you down on his bed and pulled you into his arms. As you cried into his arms you looked up at him to see his guilt-ridden face, he took his soft hands and wiped the tears off your small face.

"Hey Y/N look at me I LOVE YOU and you know that that's never gonna change, I do admit that I've been hanging out with Arin a whole bunch but I don't her I love you."

"Yeah I know but sometimes I just get JEALOUS."

After those words left your mouth you snuggled into his arms and fell asleep.

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