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Cait- Deep Dish.

She will eat anything she can get her hands on.Yes, she'll go as far as to douse her pizza in ranch.She can and will eat the entire thing.No one is exactly looking forward to getting into a altercation with her over some food, the only person who can take her on is  and he's not that crazy.

Curie- Veggie Pizza

Feel like this shouldn't come as a surprise so...No she won't eat it with ranch.She'll eat half and then she is full. This is was and still is super surprising to everyone.She's confused as to why no one wants a slice of her pizza, despite all the vegetables it's rather not that health if they are concerned about that, asides MacCready's has vegetables on it!

Danse- All the meats pizza

I see Danse as someone who love meat, maybe it's cause he prefers country music and country people love their meat, so give him all the meats lol.He'll eat his pizza with ranch here and there but to often.He will eat an entire pizza and no one can stop him. Don't try and stop him.If, somehow, he doesn't consume an entire pizza no one will be brave enough to even look at it. That is his and oh boy, he'll mess ya up for taking a slice.

Deacon-Hawaiian Pizza

See Deacon as someoen who's willing to give everything a shot, Hancock and MacCready thought it would be funny to see how Deacin would react and were shocked to see him fall in love with it.He will not eat his Hawaiian pizza with ranch but any other, probably. Even a mad man has his limits.Eats 2 to 3 slices and is full.No one wants to think about taking his pizza so there's nothing for him to worry about.

Hancock- Chicago-Style Pizza

You only live once, plus he's essentially immortal so nothing is really holding the man back from being adventurous with foods.Nope, he doesn't like eating ranch with his pizza.1 to 2 slices of he feels up to it.MacCready once attempted to take slice, he got as far as opening the box before he felt the start of a shotgun being pressed into the back of his head. He promptly put the pizza back and walked off without looking behind him. There's ya answer.

Nick- Greek Pizza.

Not like he can taste much but if it looks  appetizing then it is appetizing.He won't eat ranch with his pizza.He can eat an entire thing but chooses not too, have some for later.Everyone's to scared to try an attempt to Tia who's pizza since that man is a fuCKING DETECTIVE, they know their ass would be caught in a few hours.

MacCready- Supreme Pizza

He wants everything on his pizza so god dammit give him everything. No that too expensive so he just settles for Supreme, it has a wide enough for variety.No he won't eat his pizza with ranch.Depending on how the day played out, 4 to 5 slices before he's done.Everyone's too scared to touch his pizza, man's marksman's ship skills are enough to keep them away form his pizza.

Piper- Thin crust Chicken Alfredo pizza

She's in the middle of being a picky eater and a non picky eater. Not much else to say.No, no ranch for her.3/4ths and then she's full.Everyone more or less what's to try a slice but she won't let them but  eventually they manage to snag a slice from her. She gets nick to  interrogate them all until she finds out who stole her pizza and then it's hell to pay.If you care about your public reputation, not you better have not any dirt on you.

Preston- Pepperoni Pizza

Feel like he isn't too adventurous when it comes to food. Settles for just a simple cheese and pepperoni 'hand tossed' dough pizza.Can see him eating his pizza with ranch.Can eat half of a pizza before getting full.He will shot and has shoot someone for even eyeing his pizza.

X6- Mushroom and Spinach pizza.

He definitely has a refined taste pallet.Ranch is not on that pallet.He will consume the recommended sever amount or whatever amount he needs to satisfy his nutritional needs.Ever since he threatened and almost executed his plan to burn a settlement down cause of , he lives back at the Institute so even if he did get a pizza no one would know.

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