new to school

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~Highschool sweathearts~


*SLAM* you slammed your alarm.

4am. First day of school i need to get myself ready i don't want my first impression to be bad right?. Wrong! I just like waking up at 4am so that i can play video games until school starts.  5:30am "I should start getting ready for school" you said out loud. Not like anyone could hear you, you live alone since your parents are in America but wanted you to finish school in Japan. Since it is your hometown.

-time skip-

7:20am "it's to early for this" you thought as you walked to school you werent anxious but not excidet either.
You hated people and they hated you well in America you don't know how kids are here maybe they will be nice.

*at the school gates*

*shigh* "this is it" you finally felt the anxeity rise in you when you enterd the school all eyes on you. No one dared to come close to you like you were a walking vrius.

"This is gonna be worst then in America!" You entarnly screamed in your head as you walked to the pricipal.
"Good morning" you greeted the principal as you enterd the office. Only to be greeted with two males in the room. Beaten up it looks as if the principal sad scolding them.

"Excuse me.." you said feeling them stare you down like you were their next meal.
"You two are dissmised you may leave now!" The pricipal said annoyed at them for causing another problem.

"Whos the new student?" One of them asked he had braids and a pretty cool hair color you never saw anything like it.

"Soo" he asked snapping you back to realty nit realising you were staring at him

"Y/N".... "Y/N L/N nice to meet you" you smiled bowing down and hled out a hand. He just looked at you. You quickly yakend your hand back and rubbed the back of your head this sad akward

"Didnt i tell you two to leave" the principal broke the silence they left.

and you. Well you were walking around school with a girl named Emma and her friend Draken they were showing you around those two were asked to show you around. YOU were glad that they were nicer then they looked.

"Hey Y/N!" Emma said seeming exicted

"Hmm?" You said signaling her to speak

"Where are you from? It's obvious your not from Japan" she asked

"Well i am from Japan but i move away to America at a very young age around 4 or 5 i can't rember really" you said

"Wowwww America! Whats it like" she sad now jumping  around you Asking you a million questions. Draken just laughed at Emma.

*the bell rings*
"Thank you for showing me around. I will be going to class now bye" you said waving to Emma and Draken

"BYEE SEE YOU LATER!" Emma yelled waving back so did Draken emabressed since evryone was now looking at them since she is yelling at a girl who isnt even 5ft away from her.

"See ya later then" you walked away similing "later huh" you thought as you enterd your class room.

It's not a good start but i like how the story is going. I hope you all like it too if there are and things you don't like about the story please don't be shy to give your opinion.

the haitani's toy [highschool au] Where stories live. Discover now