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~Katherine's POV~

I stayed with Steve after the funeral. We made it back to my house after a couple hours since he probably wasn't invited to the tower. I told him where the guest room was and headed to mine for a shower. I know I took a while because Steve knocked on the door after an hour. I was using the towel to dry my hair coming out of my room when he turned the T.V on.

"Nat said that the assembly was starting soon. I figured I'd watch it to see what they want to do about the accords." I just nodded and went to make us both coffees. I could still see the screen and was idly watching it until something exploded outside the UN building. I snapped my attention up to the screen and saw smoke billowing up from the cracked camera. I walked over to sofa and handed him his drink while still watching the screen. Another station took over for them and had video coverage of the possible culprit.

"At least 12 are dead, including Wakanda's King T'Chaka. Officials have released a video of a suspect who they have identified as James Buchanan Barnes, the Winter Soldier." I gasped and dropped my drink onto the glass coffee table; having it shatter upon impact. I felt hands grab my arms and steer me away from the glass while I stayed glued to the T.V.

"Katherine? Hey, you okay? What's wrong?" I blinked several times and turned away from him.

"You need to leave." I crossed my arms and waited.

"No. You obviously need me with how you're acting. Now, tell me, what's wrong?" I turned around to face him and huffed.

"Right now, you are what's wrong. I am asking you to leave and you are being very stubborn and not listening!"

"Not until you tell me what's going on!"

"Bucky isn't supposed to be over there!" Oh shit.

"Bucky?! You've been in contact with him?!" I took a deep breath and faced him again.

"Yes. We've been taking down old Hydra bases off of anyone's radar. The UN building isn't one and I know King T'Chala is not a target. I know how this looks but he is staying low. He doesn't want this publicity and I know you know it too." Steve huffed out a breath and pulled out his phone.

"What are you doing?" I backed up to the bookcase where my gun was hiding. I felt it just within reach and my fingers twitched towards it.

"I'm making sure Natasha's okay. She was there too, remember?" I grabbed the weapon quickly, took the safety off, and had it at the ready. He had his back turned towards me; I could easily wound him and take off. I took a shot to his leg and jumped out to the fire escape. I was only on the third floor so my landing was on point. I never looked behind me and kept running to Tony's private planes he kept nearby for me to use in emergencies. I risked a peek behind me and saw Steve jumping out of my window.

"Shit." I pumped my legs faster until I found the warehouse I was looking for. I needed him to stop following me so I used my powers to bring one of the watch towers above me. I stopped for a minute to make sure the building came down in time and it did.

"Oh thank god." I found the fastest jet there was and jumped in. After all those years in Hydra I knew what to do and was off within a minute. I looked back and saw Steve standing there looking at me. I felt my eyes water and I blinked furiously trying to hold them back. I wonder if this is what he felt when he left my mother behind. I tore my gaze back to the sky ahead and programmed the plane to Bucharest. I pulled up CCTV from around Bucky's safehouse from the onboard laptop and it wasn't looking too good. I saw him struggling with someone clad in all black and claws.

"Come on, come on, come on!" I pulled up more cameras and saw Sam in the sky. I haven't seen anyone else and that pissed me off. I screamed and somehow I ended up in Bucharest in the middle of the fight. I quickly shook off the shock and kicked the black hero off of Bucky.

"Come on!" I pulled Bucky up and we took off to escape everyone.

"What are you doing here?!" He yelled my way and I shouted back.

"I don't know! I'm asking myself the same thing!" We jumped in sync and landed hard on the street below.

"You have a plan, right?!" I asked him and he just grunted. I kept up with him until I was pulled back by my hair. I yelped in pain and shot a ball of power towards the pursuer. I got back up and continued running with Bucky. I saw motorcycles coming towards us and we nodded together. I kicked off one rider and took the bike while Bucky got the other one. I had a bad feeling when we got into the tunnel and it only grew. Lights flashed behind us and they were getting closer with each second that passed.

"Hop off!" I turned towards him and looked at him like he was crazy. He had his arm stretched out so I took it. The bike flew back towards the vehicle and hit it underneath. I watched the vehicle roll and then more moved around it to continue the chase.

"I don't think we're going to outrun them!" I turned back forward just in time to see more vehicles coming towards us.

"Bucky!" He jerked the bike into the other side of the barrier and we were facing oncoming traffic again. I hid my face in his jacket from the wind.

"Hold on!" I gasped as we were thrown from the bike and were surrounded by the Romanian police force. Bucky was holding onto me when the figure clad in black appeared through the throng of police men. I saw War Machine come down and he brought Wilson with him.

"There's no where to run now. Give up." I held up my hands and stepped around Bucky. I gave him a pleading stare and he followed what I did. Multiple people came up and forced us to the ground as they cuffed us.

"I hope you know what you're doing." I heard Sam say from behind me as they hoisted me back up to my feet.

"I'm cooperating." I let them lead me into a different truck than Bucky. He looked my ways and I just nodded. He needed to trust me that we would make it through this.

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