Chapter one

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The sun was just rising in the sky, something that many people across England would take as a sign to break their precious slumber and prepare for the new season

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The sun was just rising in the sky, something that many people across England would take as a sign to break their precious slumber and prepare for the new season. where debutants across London are dreading their mamas forcing them into too-small corsets, and too-small shoes. But one could not say the same for Vivianne, as she was already awake, dressed, and ready for the day ahead. For she could not sleep, every time she closed her eyes, all she could see were Benedicts staring back at her. For she has been smitten with him since before she could walk. he was her world, and she would give up everything she had just to be acknowledged as something more than a friend. But alas, she knew that's all she will ever be.

"Christ Viv, snap out of it" she murmured to herself while putting on her second boot while she prepared to climb out of her second-story window. But do not fret, she's done it many times before, and this will not be the last.

As she rode across the empty park, for no one except prostitutes are out and about this early, all she could think of was in fact not benedict, but instead, the idea that she is one season away from being forced to accept the marriage proposal of lord Stockwell, a man well past his prime, and certainly not someone she dreams of spending the rest of her life with. Although her retched aunt has constantly complained about how she has been on the market for almost five years and rejected 17 proposals. But Vivianne constantly reminds her how her past two years did not count as she was in France studying art. But alas her aunt does not care, even though it is stated in her late mother's will that Vivianne would be able to take off as many years as she may need to travel and study, as academics were something the Ellsworths truly cared about. along with the fact that she was the late Duke and duchesses only child, they strongly believed she deserved as good of an education as any of the men around her. 

as she returned from her ride, she passed by the Bridgeton house, staring longingly at benedicts window, a place she know well after over 20 years of friendship. while she was staring, she noticed colin gazing out his window at her, when he finally noticed she saw him, he aggressively waved just like when they were little. she waved back with a bright smile, before riding away, making a mental note to visit the house later that day.

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