I like someone

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"It feels good to be back on the bus." Alex said sitting down onto the couch where Jack had found him only a few days before.

"Yeah it's good to have you back, do you know how quiet it is without you here Alex?" Danny asked smirking over at him.

"Haha." Alex faked laughed giving him the middle finger.

Nano walked onto the bus removing his sunglasses like the badass he is, he looked over at Alex as he began talking."Okay so due to Alex's little problem we are a little behind on the tour but that's okay we just have to make it up to the fans, at the end of this tour we are gonna go back play the show we had to cancel." He said smiling at the rest of the group.

"Sounds good to me, I have nothing to return home for." Danny said sitting down at the empty space next to Alex.

"Not true you have your cats." He said giving him a smirk like he was earlier.

" No my mom really likes my cats i'm in the clear." Danny mumbled as the room brusted into laugher.

Nano held his hands up "So everyone is okay with that cause I'm about to tweet it." He asked showing them all his shiney black phone. The boys looked around the room each nodding their heads, Nano smiled, "Good now tomorrow night we will be playing in Nashville Tennessee so just relax tonight." He said taking a look at Alex one last time before leaving the bus to go to his own.


Later that night Jack sat alone in the living room area of the bus drumming his fingers along to the beat of the Fall Out Boy song he was listening to on the speakers. His mind wondering to Alex who was laying down in the back, he had been acting werid ever since he got out of the hospital, more quiet then what he usually was, he especially was acting different around him. Being less of a best friend, they weren't as close as they were before this tour started and he wondered why. As far as he knew he hadden't changed, maybe it was just his imagination.

Alex stumbled into the living room with half closed eyes, he just waken up and needed some energy boost. Jack's head looked over at him as he heard footsteps, looking at Alex who looked somewhat confused he couldn't help but smile. "What are you looking for Alex?" He asked getting up from the couch.

Alex's head shot up. "I didn't know anyone was in here, I heard music." He said looking at the ground awkwardly as Jack came closer to him.

"Yeah sorry is it to loud I could turn it down." Jack said not waiting for the other boys reply as he reached over to him to turn the volume down. Alex stood there frozen at the sudden closeness of his friend, he could almost feel the body heat something he wished he could feel on top of him. "You alright?" Jack asked as he pulled away.

Alex only nodded his head. He backed away from his friend needed some fresh air from Jack's intoxicating scent. "I need a Rockstar." He whispered turning around and walking back into the kitchen. Jack followed closly behind not really believing Alex when h said he was alright. Alex quickly grabbed a energy drink and was about to head back to his bunk when Jack stopped him.

"Seriously what is wrong with you? You aren't being yourself Alex." Jack said feeling somewhat frustrated.

"How aren't I?" He asked opened the bottle and taking a drink.

"You're being all shy and awkward, the Alex Gaskarth I know has never been shy, is it the overdose that's bringing you down?" Jack asked pulling Alex to sit down at the table with him.

He rolled his eyes. "No, that's not even a problem anymore." He said looking away out the window watching every tree that flew by in the night sky.

"Then what is it?" Jack asked desperately wanting to know the answer.

"I'm just tired." Alex said still not meeting his face.

"Come on you've been sleeping all day, give me another reason." Jack said forcing his face to look at him.

"That's my only problem." He said lying smoothly.

Jack stared at his face for a minute thinking over Alex's words. "I don't believe you but i'll let you go this time. " He said standing up from his seat and making his way back to the living room area.

"Wait Jack!" Alex cried out, Jack slowly turned around looking once again at the torn face of his best friend. "What if I told you I liked someone who I know I can never be with?" He asked playing with his hands but keeping the eye contact.

Jack started to make his way back into the room. "Who is it?" He asked feeling a unknown feeling stir deep inside him.

"I can't tell you, but I know that this person does not feel the same way and that is why I am not being myself." He said awkwardly looking at the ground.

"Well how do you know if that person doesn't like you?" Jack asked walking closer to his friend.

Alex let out a dark chuckle. "He's in a relationship." He said feeling his heart rate pick up.

"He? As in a guy?" Jack asked feeling shocked.

"Yeah I'm into a guy there isn't a problem." Alex snapped looking back up at Jack.

"That's not what I meant, I just didn't know you actually went that way." He clarified.

Alex srugged his shoulders. "I didn't know either until it happened." He said looking back down at the ground.

"Look you don't have to tell me who it is but that person would be stupid not to like you back." Jack said trying to sound reassuring, but the feeling inside him grew at the words. Alex liked someone else and wouldn't tell him now he understood why he was pissed off about not being told.

"That's what Cassadee told me, but it's not true trust me." He said chuckling once again.

"You told Cassadee about this person?" Jack asked feeling upset now.

"She figured it out herself." He said like it wasn't a big deal.

"She knows who it is?" Jack said having his voice rise in anger.

"Well yeah, Jack don't get all mad I can't tell you who she figured out herself." Alex said getting from his seat. "Now that you know why I am not myself i'm gonna go lay down again." He said walking away from Jack.

Jack sat in the same spot now fully understanding what Alex feeling a few weeks ago. Cassadee knew before him just like Rian knew about Scarlet. He looked at the Rockstar that Alex had left picking it up and taking a drink, he didn't really like the idea of Alex liking another guy that would ruin the Jalex thing they had with their fans, some other guy would just ruin that. He laid his head down onto the table feeling tired himself.


I'm not really happy with this chapter but it will have to do. Let me know what you think please I want comments on this story it will make me happy.

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