🌴 Chapter Fifty 🌴

Start from the beginning

Leshay let go of her daughter's arm and took her place off to the left side and waited for her husband. She watched Ezekiel let go of her daughter's arm and pulled back her veil and mouth something to Rosalya, who put on the biggest, yet fake, a smile was all she could muster as he took his place beside his wife.

William offered out his hand to Rosalya, knowing this was how they had practiced. He could tell she was faking it but was terrified that this was happening. He could barely see what expressions those attending had on their faces, which he was sure were excited or pleased about this wedding.

Rosalya passed the bouquet off to a lady-in-waiting then placed her hand in his and stood in front of him in front of the priest. All eyes were on them and she could feel holes being burned into her flesh. Or at least that was how she felt due to the riding anxiety in her chest. She knew the ceremony wouldn't be too long since the coronation was going to be taking up a great deal of time.

The priest looked around the room and now that the whispering had quieted down he spoke. "Welcome honored guests, you've come from all over the world. Thank you all for attending this historic and momentous event! Today we are gathered here in holy matrimony for the wedding of Prince William Wenuzelle and Princess Rosalya Melbasiah." His voice carried throughout the ballroom.

"This is a day of great celebration and reverence, on which we come together before God to recognize and commemorate the sacred love and dedication shared between these two people. A wedding is a venerated institution, and one deserving of deep reverence. It symbolizes commitment and trust between two people, two fundamental principles that a strong marriage should have, along with communication."

"As the Bible reminds us in Corinthians, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. Love never fails. With love, there is nothing that can come between these two. There is nothing stronger in the universe than love. Love conquers all, and even the coldest of hearts can be thawed by love."

"Let us revel in the joy and love on display here today. May we treasure these memories as Princess Rosalya and Prince William, under the eyes of God, get set to begin their new life together as a wife and husband." He spoke, not knowing that neither loved each other and was only told what Raymond wanted him to know.

William wasn't listening to the priest but anxiously praying that Chandler showed up to stop the wedding. It wouldn't be too long before the vows were exchanged and there was no going back from it. He glanced towards Essa who was looking away, that alone hurt.

Rosalya looked in the direction William had glanced too. It took everything in her not to linger nor gasp seeing Essa watching. She didn't understand what was going on but she could only guess it had something to do with Raymond's smug face.

The priest continued for a while before passing for a moment. His eyes swept those here. "If anyone has cause to object to the forming of this union, speak now or forever hold your peace." He had never had someone object to a wedding so he was about to continue when a voice spoke up.

A masculine voice rang out from the back of the ballroom and all eyes turned toward the voice. "I object," Gasps and whispers rippled through the crowd as the voice belonged to Duke Morgan. He rose to his feet with a smug smile on his lips, his eyes dancing. "I object to this union."

Raymond's eyes grew wide as he was flabbergasted at what his brother had just done. "Morgan! What is the meaning of this?" His voice boomed. He couldn't believe his brother was objecting to a marriage, this marriage.

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