10 - Blood Sister

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Laurel didn't reply. She simply nodded and led me back down the hall.

'So my new name is Evelyn Laurent,' I said.

'It has a nice ring to it,' Laurel said. 'It fits such a beautiful girl. Don't worry, you will only be expected to be Evelyn when you're here. I know how much you like clinging to the life of Gavin Middleton. Becoming a Sister is usually a decision, not something you're forced into. I intend to keep it that way if you wish.'

I nodded.

'Are there any more relatives you want me to meet?'

Laurel thought for a second. 'I think that should be enough for today. The Laurent's Ball is coming up, so I'll show you off there. You can meet the other Sisters there, and possibly my father if he shows up. I'll make you the Belle of the ball!'

I kept a mental note of the Ball. As much as I didn't want to betray Laurel's trust, I needed to report everything back to Helsing. Mother was nice to me, but I knew for sure she took part in the Blood Feasts, maybe even organized them. And even though Laurel said they were fine, the servants still felt off to me. There was something strange about them, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

'I guess I probably have to go now,' I said. I had a lot to tell the Good Doctor. Not only had I successfully infiltrated the Laurent family and met with the Mother, but I needed to report the two vampires, Strahm and Hoffman, who attacked us last night. Somehow, they knew I was on good terms with Helsing, it couldn't be a coincidence. Hopefully, I had seen the last of them. Strahm looked very dead, but I thought I was and here I am. Regardless if they were alive or not, I was pretty sure Hoffman ingested some of my blood. If I ever meet the two again, I figure we'd have more in common than before.

'You could stay here for a bit if you want,' Laurel said. She looked hopeful. I could tell she felt uncomfortable at her family's home. I didn't want to leave her, she needed a friend, but I had to report to Helsing. 'If you have no other plans, you could even sleep over.'

I shook my head. 'I'm sorry Laurel. I have to get home and-'

I couldn't believe I forgot. I wanted to kick myself.

'Laurel, what time is it?'

'Almost 6.00pm, why?'

'I promised Walt and Ramone I'd meet them for a movie! I have to get changed, now!'

I raced towards Laurel's bedroom as fast as I could in high heels, but Laurel pulled me back.

'That would be impossible,' she said. 'What would you change into?'

'My normal clothes.'

'They're stained with blood, remember?'

'What else am I supposed to wear?'

Laurel smirked, eying my body. 'Do you not like the clothes you have on?'

'Of course I do!' I clasped my hands over my mouth. Why did I say that? 'What I meant to say, was that I appreciate the clothes, but they're not me.'

Laurel scoffed. 'They are so you, Evie. Red suits you perfectly. You're pretty, deal with it. I'm sure Ramone and Walt wouldn't care. They're shallow as can be.'

'Hey! Only Ramone is shallow. Walt is perfectly normal.'

'Listen, the only way you're leaving this property is as you are now. It's not my fault you planned a meeting with your friends. If they really are your friends, they won't care too much. Trust me.'

'Obviously, you don't know Walt and Ramone very well.'

'What's the worst that could happen?'

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