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Two weeks ago, if you had asked me what breasts felt like, I wouldn't have been able to give you a straight answer.

'I don't know,' would probably be what I'd say. I'm a seventeen-year-old high school boy who isn't very popular. I'm in that strange middle crowd that doesn't get any. You probably know THAT crowd. The popular kids get girls, the quiet emo guys get girls, but not us. Not the average joes who are nice, decently attractive, but are a blank slate when it comes to expressing personality at the right times.

Two weeks ago, if you had asked me how I feel about girls getting catcalled by strangers, my response would probably be, 'Well, have you seen the way they dress these days?' Apart from receiving a slap to the face for a cheeky remark, I have had very little education on that front.

Two weeks ago, if you had asked me what my daily makeup routine is, I would have stared right into your soul, completely dumbfounded. Apart from a Halloween as a zombie and the occasional school play, makeup was a foreign part of my life.

Two weeks ago, if you had asked me what size dress I wear, I would have shrugged and replied with, 'Why are you asking me?' and then gone on with my day. The only time I've ever worn a dress was for Wacky Wardrobe Day, and I hated it.

Two weeks ago, if you had asked me what boys I think are cute, my response would most definitely have been, 'None. Duh.' I can appreciate handsomeness (I've spent my entire life among people better looking than me) but I would never admit to being sexually attracted to a guy. That's just not me.

Or, it wasn't.

Two weeks ago, I was just a boring seventeen-year-old boy with nothing in his life apart from two friends, video games, and a hopeless crush on the most popular girl in school. That was two weeks ago. Ask me any of those questions now, and I'll have an answer. I'll have a whole god damn paper if you want. Because two weeks ago my life changed forever.

I changed forever.

For better or for worse, only time will tell. 

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