Chapter 46- Marinette's special night

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I did. Adrien's future depends on tonight as well. I have already ruined it enough for him by being pregnant during our first year of college. I can't ruin the rest of it."

"Have you ever thought that maybe you haven't ruined his future?"

"Maybe not yet."

"Not ever! Marinette, he loves you. In his opinion, YOU are his future!" Alya stated sternly, pointing a finger towards the bluenette.

"If you can't see that by now, you are more confused than it seems. Marinette, you better than anyone know that Adrien does not care about the brand. He cares about you. The question is, who do you care about?"

Marinette knew what Alya was attempting to ask. In fact, Marinette had thought about that for the past few days. See, Marinette did not doubt that Luka would accept her baby as if it was his own but was it fair to Adrien? Then, there was the little matter of her feelings.

Would she pick Luka, the guy that had fought for her love every single day and was there for her during the moments of trial, or would she choose Adrien, her high school crush, the first and only guy she had given herself to, and future father of her child? The same guy that lied and made many mistakes but swore never-ending love. Choices, choices!

Marinette gazed at Alya. Before she could say anything else, another voice was heard entering the room. "My melody, are you ready to go? If we don't leave right away, we'll be late," Luka remarked as he entered the room, a smile on his face. Luka was happy. He had spoken with Marinette and agreed to no longer hide their relationship from anyone. Marinette was confused about the sudden change but agreed nevertheless. After all, that is what she wanted. Marinette inhaled deeply and nodded. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be."


Marinette's hands shook as she stood beside the owner of half of the boutiques in Paris, including this one. She wanted to puke. There were so many people here. She was not sure how the news had spread so quickly. She was positive that Adrien was right and her clothing would sell out. Well, at least she wished.

Mr. Harris had just spoken with her a few minutes before and said that if she were to sell out, he would share necessary contacts with people to create her designs. Marinette would then be on a one-year trial where the boutiques would sell her clothes, and depending on how well she did, MDC Designs might be almost as extravagant as the Gabriel Brand itself by this time next year.

Marinette was riding a wave of emotions. When she got the news, the first thing she wanted to do was run and tell Adrien. You can imagine her sadness when she realized she wouldn't be able to do so. Adrien would not be present, and she had no choice but to accept it.

Marinette's eyes scanned the crowd once more. She searched for the blonde she loved so much. Her eyes watered as she bit her lip. That was the moment she realized Adrien would truly not come.

Marinette was aware it was her fault. She knew she had made him promise not to come, but she couldn't help but wish he had ignored her request and showed up anyway. Marinette was aware it was selfish, but the night would not be the same without the blonde.

"Relax, melody. You did an amazing job. Look at all the people that made sure to attend tonight. No need to be nervous. You got this," Luka reassured, wrapping his arm around her waist.

"Thanks, Luka, that means a lot, but I couldn't have done it without Adrien. Without his help, I would have never gotten finished on time. I wish he could have been here."

Luka felt a pang of jealousy hit as the bluenette named the blonde. Even when he was not around, he was a problem. Hopefully not for long. There was a reason he agreed to make their relationship public, and he is hoping his surprise will go according to plan. Yet that didn't stop him from feeling hate and anger towards the blonde.

"Yet he isn't here," he grunted, leaving Marinette silent.

Adrien raced towards the boutique. He was hoping he could still make it on time. "Come on, come on, come on," he whispered as he passed cars left and right.

The inauguration had begun, and Marinette was seconds away from cutting the red ribbon.


"I'd like to thank everyone that came here tonight. Your support means the world to me. I would also like to thank my friends and family for always supporting my dream and refusing to let me fall even when I wanted to give up. I would also like to thank my boyfriend Luka because I would not be here without him." Marinette looked at Luka and smiled as he placed a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"Finally, I'd like to express my gratitude to a special friend of mine. Adrien Agreste. Without his assistance, tonight would not have been possible. I know you can't be here, but I'm hoping you're somewhere listening. Thank you very much. Thank you for your many sleepless nights spent assisting me. Thank you for your encouragement and support, and, most importantly, for never giving up on me." Marinette wiped a tear from her eye as she concluded.

Marinette then picked up the enormous scissors and began to cut the ribbon. As the ribbon broke, Marinette looked up. Her eyes landed on the vibrant green eyes that stared back at her with a smile. She covered her mouth as her eyes filled with tears of happiness. He was here.

Adrien had made it right on time. He had heard the entire speech, and nothing could have made him happier. He loved that woman. The fact that she had publicly thanked him meant the world to him because he wanted the world to know. He wanted them to know that she was his princess.

Marinette stood there watching as the blonde smiled and cheered louder than the rest of the audience. Adrien had arrived. He hadn't reneged on his promise. She had a feeling he'd show up. Marinette's heart began to swell. Tonight was without a doubt, the most memorable night of her life.

Adrien did not take his eyes off his princess. He was so proud of her. Nothing could describe how much he loved that woman. As he clapped he gave her a wink. Marinette bit her lip. That man still had the power to make her heart pound.

"Only for you," he mouthed before turning around and walking away. After all, he had another promise to keep. 

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