hehe s m a l l(different because yes)

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this was requested by VividDrummer5187

You woke up feeling strange like everything was really big like your pillow looked like it could've been as tall as the Eiffel tower. What happened? you squeak surprised at how high pitched your voice was. You decided to take a leap of faith and jump off your bed, luckily there was a pile of clothes that soften your fall but it still felt weird. You heard a knock at the door and tried to walk over but they already were inside. It was selever and he looked confused on how you weren't there. The past few days he was pranking you before you woke up, so you figured that he was trying to do that again. He then looks at the ground where you were and looks shocked. Y/N THERE IS A ROACH IN YOUR ROOM-. he yells. IM NOT A ROACH IM RIGHT HERE IDIOT. you yell back, making selever even more surprised. Y/n? why are you so small your like the size of my thumb-. he says sitting on the ground. I don't know i hope this doesn't stay. you sigh when selever gets an idea. Now that i think about it...i could eat you as a snack... he says with a grin.haha very funny help me please i don't want to be tiny forever. However he wasn't listening to you and you got scared. Selever? why are you looking at me like that? you say worried. Don't worry about it.he says as he is about it pick you up but you start booking it past him somehow. AY COME BACK HERE I WANT MY FOOD. he yells. You were running until you stumbled and selever caught up to you and grabbed you. Your eyes started to water just a bit. S-selever this isn't funny put me down.you say scared. He starts to lift you to his mouth and plop . He wasn't kidding. He was about to swallow you when he spit you out. He started to laugh, a lot. You actually believed it. He said basically wheezing. I'm gonna get rasazy to help you, be right back. *T i m e  s k i p* You had ignored selever for almost a week, you were still mad at selever for pranking you like that. You were just chilling in your room when you hear a knock on your window and you look out to see its selever.* what the heck does he want now*You sigh and walk over to the window. You open it and you didn't even get to talk when selever tackles you and hugs you. Selever what the heck. You say, still surprised. He just hugged tighter. Im sorry. Selever mumbles. You hug him back and he started to purr. *t i m e s k i p a g a i n:,)* You were trapped by selever because he was hugging you but you didn't mind, you were playing a game...

 There is the mini story but different i hope you enjoyed it have a good day/night:D

You are utter chaos.... Selever x  y/nWhere stories live. Discover now