13. Namra's Noteworthy Advice

Start from the beginning

"Our classmate, Kim Hyeon-ju, was the first to be infected. She said Mr. Lee kidnapped her."

"How did he kidnap her? Do you know anything about Lee Byeong-chan's motives?"


"Is there a possibility that the virus was spread before that?"

"No, ma'am. That's all I know."

"I'm sure there must've been something else. You had class with him every day, right?"

"That doesn't mean anything. I sat near the back and didn't really pay attention."

The soldier rubs her forehead. Looking back at Daesu, she asks, "How did she spread the virus? What motives did Lee Byeong-chan have?"

"I don't know."

"Just to confirm, how exactly do you know Kim Hyeon-ju was the first to be infected?"

"She walked into class all bloody. Then she was taken to the hospital. Maybe it spread there, I don't know."

"And you're sure she said she was kidnapped?"

"Yes!" Daesu replies emphatically. "She walked into class, blood running down her nose, and she said Mr. Lee kidnapped her!"

"Why did Lee Byeong-chan kidnap her?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

"It's not like they were close friends," Mijin snarks from the back, crossing his arms. "Can't you leave him alone? That's all we know. We don't know that guy's motives, his reasons, or how his mind fucking worked."

The soldier pointedly ignores Mijin's comment.

"Do you know anyone who might have known Lee Byeong-chan better?" she asks, and Daesu groans.

"Why would any of us know him? Anyone who does is probably dead."

"Why...did you abandon us?" Suhyeok demands quietly as he stands up, clearly fed up with listening to the interrogation process. "Why did you leave us there?"

The soldier looks at Suhyeok with a blank expression.

"If you're referring to the operation to get Lee Byeong-chan's laptop, then the soldiers on that operation were ordered to leave you behind."

"But why?" he fires at her.

"I cannot disclose that information," the soldier replies. Eyeing Suhyeok, she says, "Please sit down."

With his eyebrows furrowed, Suhyeok does as he's directed. The soldier continues questioning Daesu.

"So, what happened on the first day of the outbreak?"

"How many times do I have to tell you?" Daesu cries, now very exasperated. "Our classmate, Hyeon-ju, was kidnapped by Mr. Lee. That's all I know!"

The soldier lets out a long breath. After a long moment, she stands.

"You may go. We'll continue the questioning process tomorrow."

Following groans and murmurs from his friends, Joonyeong and the others stand, filing out of the room. As soon as Joonyeong steps out, Woojin is right by his side, ready to do some interrogating of his own.

"How was it? Were they mean?" he whispers as Joonyeong redirects them on the path back to his and Soowi's cell.

"The soldier was very invasive," Joonyeong states, his tone laced with anger. "She kept on pushing Daesu to answer her questions when he clearly didn't know anything. Maybe it's because he was the most cooperative."

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