Day 4

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Im taking care of renesmee but then I revive a text from Alice asking me if she'd like to hang out with her other friends. I open up my phone and text back "Yea sure!" She then texts back "okay 6:00pm cya later!" She says. It's 4:00pm I need to get ready. I'm frantic so I get in the shower and clean myself up. I hear Edward come in I just get out the shower as I see him come in through the hallway. I shave my legs and get ready it's 4:43pm and I only have a few minutes Edward comes into the bathroom and sees me in only my pants he laughs and comes closer he kisses my forehead and asks "Where are you headed?"he asks slightly concerned. "To hang out with friends" I say laughing. "Oh well be safe." He says slightly worried. "Edward I'll be okay I promise besides it's Alice so I'll be safe!" I say hoping he won't be that worried anymore. "Be careful don't let Jacob see you." Edward tells me I laugh and put my shirt on. "I'll be okay Edward you don't need to protect me that much anymore." I say As I go for my bag he grabs my arm. "Bella you know how worried I get when you go by yourself it scares me very bad."He says I get worried on how he'll react. I say to him "Edward let me go I promise I'll be home soon." He lets me go and then I leave the front door Alice is outside in a dress with jasper, and Rosalie. "Oh hey guys!" I say enthusiastically. "Okay get in the car!" Alice says. I run to the car and get inside.


As I see Bella leave with Alice I start imagining the worst case scenario. I start getting paranoid I run to the kitchen and sit down. "I hope she'll be okay and Jacob won't run into her." I say to myself I hear renesmee crying and I go to her room and pick her up and start cradling her into my arms hoping she'll calm down. She slowly goes back to sleep. I put her down. And go back to our room. I turn on the tv and watch some movies, I then hear Bella come back. She seemed alright but then as she closed the door I saw a scar on her back. "B-Bella? What is that scar on you're back.?" I ask scared. "Oh I just fell that's all" Bella says stuttering over her words. "Bella what happened." I asked immediately regretting what I said. "I fell Edward Im just gonna go to our room." Bella says as she storms off to our bedroom. "Maybe she's just angry I'll give her some space." I say in my mind.

Narrator.: Bella as she is in the bedroom. She starts crying her eyes getting puffy and her nose starting to stuff up. She slowly sits down in front of the door she curls up into a ball and pulls her hair. Shes crying and trying super hard to not be too loud as to not worry Edward. But she couldn't hold it she screams and pulls some of her hair out.

Edward runs over to the room horrified.     But he sees Bella crying and some of her hair on the ground and a little bit in her hand. Edward walks over to Bella and kisses her head.

"Bella are you okay my love?..." Edward asked worried

"no I'm not." Bella says as she stutters still trying not. To cry.

Edward puts his hand on her shoulder and hugs her.

"I'm not gonna ask what happened if you do not wish to tell me." Edward says still hugging her and rubbing her back

"Somebody tried to..." Bella hesitates to tell Edward about her experience

"Tried to what Bella..?" Edward says

"Never mind." Bella says not wanting to say anymore.

"Okay." Edward says he kisses her and gets up.

I'm sorry.

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