A Night (Trapped) in The Mall

Start from the beginning

A light chuckle escaped Kitty's mouth. "What's so funny, Kit?" Mimi raised a brow. "Oh! It was nothing, haha!" Kitty said shaking it off quickly.


Robby rolled towards the next trash can to pick up the trash. ("rolled" as in he has small tires under his feet so it's easy for him to move around) Robby always cleans up the mall after a long day, because he is programmed to do so. But he also likes it when everything is clean and dandy. Robby picks up the heavy trash bag inside, but as he was about to pour it into the bigger trash bag he had on him, the plastic breaks and the trash was on the floor.

Robby's head tilted to the side, staring down at the mess. He stood still frozen for a few seconds before leaning down, slowly picking up the trash. In doing so, he suddenly lifted one of his feet up to find it wet. He looked down to see that a bottle of soda was unfinished and leaking. Robby just picked it up and placed it inside the big trash bag.


"Alright, we're done here. Let's go home." Mimi stands up and throws her empty drink away. "I'm so beat..." Kitty yawned while letting out a long stretch. It had been a long day for her and her diner today since she had to remake a few orders because of it mysteriously disappearing.

"Before we go, let's go check on Robby first," Poley said. "Knowing how much he breaks down, it's just the safest thing to do." He laughed. The girls nodded and they walked around to find where that robot had gone.

"Oh, there he is!" Mimi pointed. Suddenly everyone paused. Robby was standing under a broken light in a weird position. He was bending halfway down, trash still in his hand with the rest of it all over the floor. "...W-Why is he standing like that...?" Mimi asked hesitantly. Kitty and Mousy shivered, "He looks creepy,"

Poley stood there for a few seconds. Robby doesn't seem to be moving at all. Did he break down again? He sighed, feeling a bit annoyed, and walked over to Robby. "Buddy, did you break down for the 1097th time again?" Poley asked in a sarcastic tone, mostly to himself since robots can't talk. He shook his head, "Here, let me-"

*beep beep BeEP bEep-*

Poley froze. Something doesn't sound right. He looked down at the floor to see soda was spilled all around Robby. Sparks start to fly around on Robby's torso, with the weird sounds still hearable. "Hey what's wrong with y-" He was cut off again, this time with Robby moving. Now he was standing straight up. Robby's eyes suddenly flashed in colors, finally turning red.


"Defensive mode activated."

"Intruder Alert." Robby suddenly attacked Poley with a slash of his now-activated chainsaw arm. Luckily Poley quickly avoided it by jumping backwards. "Quick! We gotta get out of here!" He yelled, ducking down to avoid Robby again. The girls screamed before turning around to run to the exit.

"What happened?!"

"I think his system got fried by some soda!"

They arrived at the exit door but to their dismay, it was locked shut. "Crap! I forgot that Robby has control over the mall's security-" Poley cursed, trying to break the doors open. "He's coming!!" Kitty shrieked, looking behind them to see Robby coming their way. "Upstairs! Let's find somewhere to hide first!" Poley demanded as they all rushed towards the escalators.

Poley looked back, seeing Mousy having a hard time climbing the escalators. He quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled her up. Ducking into the nearest storage room along with Mimi and Kitty and shutting the door.

Kitty looked as if she was about to burst. But before she could scream, Mimi covered Kitty's mouth with her hands while Poley quickly gestured for everyone to stay quiet. Everyone in the room froze, not daring to move as they heard heavy metal food steps walking past outside the storage door. Mousy clung onto Poley's arm tightly and buried her head. This brings back bad memories for her.

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