Rejection- Sophie

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This chapter contains a bit of swearing, so If you're not comfortable with that, please don't read it~ UwU

"What?" I cried with disbelief (Sorry guys I switched from second to first point of view), I couldn't believe my ears. Fitzroy Avery Vacker was asking me out?! I should feel happy, excited, even love maybe, but all I felt was the sharp violet sting of being pissed off. Fitzroy Vacker is my crush. Or was my crush. But we're just normal friends now, aren't we? And even if I agreed, could I ever bring myself to trust him again? 

Fitz could see the hesitation on my face, I'm sure. I worked hard to hide it, to twist it into a fake half-pleasant smile. "Uhm, Fitz-" I didn't have enough time to finish my sentence before he leaned in and closed the distance between us. Yelping, I sprang away, out of his reach. Nonononono. This isn't right! 

"Please, Sophie," When I looked back, there was hurt scrawled onto his face as he breathed almost pleadingly. "Please give me another chance! I promise you-"

"Fitz." I shook to keep my voice calm. "I don't know about this," Taking in a shaky breath, I backed against the wall, feeling its steady support. "But I feel we aren't as close as before. Maybe it's time to let this go?" I could see the hurt and fury flashing beneath his intense teal gaze, tearing him apart. But taking a shaky breath, I continued. "Maybe it's time to accept...that we were never meant to be?"

He gazed at me for a moment, his hurt and fury making him unspeakable. After a heartbeat that seemed to stretch as long as the world, he rose up shakily and stepped closer to me. I could see the sneer forming on his lips and I pressed my back hard against the wall. "So you're saying no, huh?" He sneered, lips curly into an ugly frown. "Saying no to me?"

I closed my eyes, and something inside of me snapped. Like a blazing fire released from its cage, I unleashed all of my stored up fury and anger. "Fitzroy Avery Vacker, get the DAMN HELL OUTTA MY ROOM!" I watched in disbelief as his face twisted up with rage, pinched with hurt, and finally squeezed into an even uglier sneer. "Fine, Sophie, but remember, you'll pay for that," He spat before stalking out of the room, slamming the door shut furiously. (Correct me if I spelled Fitz's middle name wrong-)

I stood, knees shaking, until they could hold no more as I crumpled to the ground. An ice-cold chill crept down my spine as I remembered Fitz's last words: Did I just reject Fitz Vacker?

Now, what will happen next? Take a guess!!! MUAHAHHAHAH UwU

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